Baked artichokes stuffed with Parmesan and Roman mint
Artichokes stuffed with Parmesan and mint are delicious and very easy to make, ideal to enjoy as a side dish on all occasions.
Today we are preparing some fantastic artichokes stuffed with Parmesan and mint. These vegetables lend themselves to many different cooking and preparations and one of the tastiest ways to cook them is to stuff them and make them au gratin.
In today's recipe we are going to make stuffed artichokes without meat, therefore also suitable for vegetarians . Among the ingredients of the filling we will use bread, grated Parmesan and Roman mint, which will give the recipe a particular taste. Let's see how to cook artichokes in this tasty version!

How to prepare artichokes stuffed with parmesan and mint
First, take care of cleaning the artichokes . Remove the external leaves, which are too hard and fibrous, and also remove the internal beard, finally cut the artichokes in half, leaving the stems whole. As they are ready, transfer them to a bowl filled with water acidulated with the juice of a lemon .
Then boil them in a pan full of water to which you have added the white wine , a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil . Let them soften for 10 minutes .
In the meantime, take care of the filling. In a blender, blend the bread with the cheese , extra virgin olive oil , salt and pepper and finally the Roman mint . Alternatively, you can also use chopped mixed aromatic herbs or fresh parsley.
Add the breadcrumbs to the filling and mix, pouring more oil if you need it softer.
Drain the artichokes and place them on a baking tray lined with the appropriate paper, then stuff them with plenty of filling. Cook them at 180°C for about 15-20 minutes , until the filling is visibly golden and crunchy.
Remove from the oven and let them rest for a few moments before serving.
There are many ways to prepare stuffed artichokes, one better than the other. Remaining on vegetarian versions, therefore without meat, we recommend you try them with the classic recipe, i.e. Sicilian style . Alternatively you can opt for those with ricotta and mint , cooked in a pan rather than in the oven.
Stuffed and baked artichokes au gratin will keep in the refrigerator for a couple of days . Reheat them in the oven or air fryer before serving.
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