
Cavatelli with seafood with tomato: how much flavor in this dish!

cavatelli with seafood

Preparing cavatelli with seafood is really simple and in less than an hour you will have a perfect first course ready for special occasions.

If you are looking for a tasty but at the same time simple first course of fish, cavatelli with seafood are the perfect recipe for you. The idea of ​​using this particular pasta shape is in fact enough to ennoble a dish that is very simple in itself. Sometimes in the kitchen it takes very little and an easy recipe turns into refined and tasty.

We have prepared them with tomato sauce , but it is also possible to make them in white or in foil, as we reveal to you at the end of the recipe. As for seafood, we chose mussels, clams, cuttlefish and shrimp flavored with just a little parsley, garlic and chilli. But let's see all the steps together.

cavatelli with seafood

How to prepare the recipe for cavatelli with seafood

  1. First, purge the mussels and clams so that no sand remains inside.
  2. In a pan, heat the oil with the garlic clove, the chilli pepper and the parsley stalks and let them flavor then remove them.
  3. Add the cuttlefish cut into rings and after a couple of minutes the peeled tomatoes mashed with a fork. After 5 minutes of cooking, add the shrimps without their shells, mussels and clams . Close with the lid and wait for them to open: it will take 2-3 minutes.
  4. Cook the cavatelli, drain them and toss them in a pan with the sauce, flavor with the freshly chopped parsley and then distribute them on the plates.

Variations: cavatelli with shellfish baked in foil and white

Similarly to the previous recipe you can prepare cavatelli in foil. In this case , cook the pasta for one or two minutes less than what is written on the label, toss it in a pan with the sauce prepared according to the recipe, then prepare the packets. Remove 4 sheets of parchment paper, place a little dough in the center of each, distribute the seafood and close like candy with string. Bake at 180 ° C for 5 minutes. Sprinkle with fresh parsley before serving.

To prepare the white cavatelli instead omit the peeled tomatoes. Immediately after adding cuttlefish, shrimps, mussels and clams blended with a glass of white wine and when you no longer smell alcohol, close the lid until the mussels and clams open. Drain the pasta and toss in the pan with the sauce, adding cooking water if needed. Season with parsley and serve.


Like all recipes with fish it is best to prepare and consume them at the moment . If you have any leftovers, you can keep them in the refrigerator for one day and reheat them in a pan before consuming them.

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