
Does sushi make you fat? This is why it is included in your diet

sushi nigiri soy sauce

Sushi can also help our diet: here are the benefits of the typical Japanese dish and its caloric qualities.

Sushi is a very popular Japanese dish that usually consists of rice , seaweed and raw fish . Beloved by now also in the rest of the world, as demonstrated by the many specialized restaurants opened in Italy over the years, both with the all you can eat formula and in more traditional formats. We love it and we eat a lot of it now, but there is one thing that many are asking: does it make you fat? The answer is twofold. Although it is usually seen as a healthy dish, too much sushi can lead to weight gain . However, there are several reasons to keep it in your diet.

Diet and sushi: does it make you fat? Here is the truth

Basically, sushi is not high in calories. Much depends on the ingredients chosen for our favorite roll, but in general nigiri can have between 35 and 80 kcal, uramaki from 22 to 80 kcal, hosomaki from 15 to 25 kcal, sashimi from 30 to 65 kcal and temaki from 70 to 100 kcal. Not very few, but not too many to be alarmed.

sushi nigiri soy sauce

Of course, this without considering the sauces that can be combined with it, such as teriyaki . If you don't want to gain weight, however, you need to limit your consumption, perhaps opting for low-calorie options, such as hosomaki, rather than high-impact ones, such as temaki.

In general, experts recommend eating no more than 6/8 pieces per meal. And if you are still hungry, you can complete your lunch or dinner with a miso soup , another typical oriental dish. However, if you like it, you don't necessarily have to exclude sushi from your diet. Also because it is a food that is not only tasty and low in calories, but also healthy.

Properties and benefits

There are several beneficial properties of sushi. Being composed mostly of fish (and sometimes meat), it is an important source of protein . It also contains omega-3 , beneficial for the heart and to lower blood pressure, and complex carbohydrates (in rice) and important mineral salts (in algae). In addition, it is full of antioxidants , which are useful for protecting the body from disease.
In short, it is not true that sushi is bad, obviously if well cooked and made with good quality raw materials. It can only be harmful to our health if you overdo it, as with everything.

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