
Effects of CBD: what are the advantages for the well-being of body and mind

CBD and sleep

What is CBD and why it represents a natural alternative to medicines to soothe numerous ailments, including menstrual pain.

What are the main effects of CBD ? Cannabidiol boasts numerous beneficial properties, however behind the use of this active ingredient there are numerous doubts and perplexities that are often unfounded.

CBD, on the other hand, can represent a precious ally for health and well-being in general, thanks above all to the availability of certified oils containing totally natural extracts, which can prove useful on various occasions.

Knowing the characteristics and advantages that can derive from the use of CBD-based products is therefore essential in order to be able to evaluate their possible use, obtaining the maximum guarantee of safety and legality .

CBD and sleep

What is CBD and how does it work

CBD, or cannabidiol, is a natural phytocannabinoid found in the hemp plant . It is one of the natural compounds present in cannabis and, unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it is not a psychoactive active ingredient being totally devoid of psychotropic effects.

Extracted from the flowers and leaves of female hemp plants, CBD is one of the hemp varieties certified by the European Union as containing less than 0.2% THC: it is therefore unable to generate alterations in the state of consciousness, on the contrary, it represents the calming counterpart of THC.

Not causing physical or psychological dependence, CBD does not pose a health risk and is easily absorbed by the mucous membranes by binding to the CB1 and CB2 receptors, inhibiting the release of specific hormones that affect the perception of stress, fear or pain .

Properties and effects of CBD

CBD boasts a long series of beneficial properties ranging from the purely physical to the psychological sphere. This active ingredient, in fact, is characterized by analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects , acting in a positive way also from a neurological point of view. In addition to relieving pain, it is useful for managing problems related to sleep and stress.

Going into the specifics of the effects of CBD, it is possible to understand:

  • muscle recovery : thanks to the anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and analgesic effects, cannabidiol helps in case of trauma, bruises or inflammatory states. It is also useful for preventing cramps and muscle injuries due to intense workouts, also counteracting tiredness and nausea;
  • nocturnal sleep : the virtues of CBD, combined with the benefits generated by melatonin, can promote rest and fight insomnia effectively, also reducing the number of nocturnal awakenings which risk significantly compromising the performance of daily activities and the quality of life in general;
  • pain reduction : in case of muscle pain, chronic or acute, inflammatory, neuropathic or simply due to the menstrual cycle , CBD reduces the perception of the disorder and generates well-being in a natural way;
  • stress and anxiety : by acting on the endocannabinoid system responsible for regulating the emotional state, CBD boasts relaxing and anxiolytic properties and can reduce the secretion of cortisol and adrenaline, generating a calming effect on the body and mind. It is also able to stimulate the receptors for serotonin, the feel-good hormone.

Where to find high quality CBD products

Choosing CBD products can be an uphill battle. Those who want to experience the beneficial effects of high-quality CBD first-hand, for example, can rely on Hemproutine 's team of experts and the CBD Shop , a valid resource for finding TÜV-certified sustainable CBD products and oils.

It is important to carefully evaluate the concentration of CBD that best suits individual needs, considering the area of ​​​​application and the recommended dosage . Precisely for this reason, contacting the experts in the sector is always the best choice to make.

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