Ever tried the Persian omelette kuku sabzi?

Let’s try the kuku sabzi, a Persian omelette with herbs and spinach. Here is the easy recipe for this typical, very nutritious product.
Traveling around the world you can get to know quick and easy recipes of typical and characteristic dishes of each culture. What we present today is the original recipe of kuku sabzi, born in Persia . It is a particular omelette of spinach and aromatic herbs. The preparation is slightly different from that of the usual Italian omelette and even lighter. What makes this typical dish particularly fragrant and genuine is the presence of various typical herbs , widely used to make the products of this oriental cuisine more flavorful.
If you have all the ingredients you need, let’s move on to the process!

Preparation of the recipe for kuku sabzi
- Making this typical product is very easy and starts by washing the spinach carefully. Using a knife, chop these and the other herbs, such as the dill, coriander and parsley, quite finely . Do the same with the green part of the leeks.
- Pour these ingredients into a bowl. Chop a clove of garlic and add it too.
- On top, pour the eggs. Then season with salt, pepper and turmeric.
- Mix everything to have a homogeneous mixture and make the eggs blend perfectly.
- Put a non-stick pan on the stove and fill the bottom with oil.
- Heat it up and, when ready, pour in the mixture of herbs and spinach.
- Close with the lid and cook for 5 minutes over medium heat .
- When the eggs are solidified , remove the lid and cook another 10 minutes.
- At this point, cut the herb kuku into 4 parts with a spatula.
- Carefully folded each party and cook the other side. It will take no more than 10 minutes .
- When it is firm, transfer to the plate and let it cool before serving this tasty typical Persian dish.
The kuku sabzi omelette is a very healthy product and suitable for a nutritious lunch or dinner, doing the load of spinach. Its flavor can be kept in the fridge for 2 days , keeping it closed in an airtight container.
For an equally nutritious and simple main course, try the onion farifrittata !
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