
Exquisite baked sea bass in a crispy potato crust

Potato crusted sea bass

Potato-crusted sea bass is a delicious and light second course. It is excellent to be served on any occasion…

The potato crusted sea bass recipe is really delicious, as well as being a quick and easy dish to prepare. Furthermore, baked sea bass fillets are simple to make and very light.

Being a light dish, it is recommended in any diet, but this does not mean it lacks flavour. Indeed it is a very tasty dish, excellent to be served during a dinner with friends or for a light lunch break. Let's see how to cook baked sea bass in a potato crust.

Potato crusted sea bass

How to prepare sea bass fillets in a potato crust

  1. To prepare this dish, start with the potatoes, peel them, wash them and cut them into thin slices.
  2. Put them to boil for about 5 minutes in a pot filled with boiling salted water. When the necessary time has elapsed, drain them and leave them to cool.
  3. On the side, clean the fish , fillet it, with the help of a knife blade remove the skin and innards, also remove the head and fins.
  4. Place the fillets in a baking tray, covered with baking paper, place the potato slices on top, so as to cover them and form a crust .
  5. Season everything with a handful of coarse salt , a sprinkling of pepper, thyme and parsley, chop the sprigs of rosemary and the clove of garlic. Sprinkle everything with a drizzle of oil.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for about 25 minutes . When cooked, take them out and serve them hot.
Read also
Versatile and simple to prepare, here is the recipe for baked sea bass


We recommend consuming the dish at the moment , when it is still hot.

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