
Fish stock

Fish stock

The fish stock is nothing but a super concentrated and tasty broth, made with fish waste. Great to freeze, here's the recipe!

The fish stock is nothing but a small broth obtained by cooking the fish scraps together with other ingredients. It is a very versatile preparation, which allows not only to flavor many dishes, clearly based on fish and shellfish, including risottos and soups, but also to create a dish in itself (perhaps with pasta, for a light dinner or for the children).

The fish broth can also be frozen for future use, by pouring it into ice molds or simple well-covered plastic cups (only after the broth has completely cooled down ).

This preparation is perfect for reusing fish waste and not throwing anything away : here is the recipe for fish stock!

Fish stock

Preparation of fish stock

  1. First you have to rinse very well the waste of the fish that you have obtained from other preparations. We are talking about heads, bones, etc. (not entrails , of course). Sea bream, sea bass, sea bass, sea bream, hake, turbot and cod scraps will be perfect. If you want a more delicate taste, we advise you to omit the heads as well.
  2. Once this operation is done, put the scraps aside for a moment and take a pot.
  3. Pour a drizzle of oil and let it heat up, then add the chopped vegetables (therefore the onion, the carrot, the celery stick with its leaves).
  4. Also add some herbs , such as parsley, thyme or bay leaves.
  5. Add the scraps, salt and pepper and brown for a few minutes, stirring frequently with a spoon.
  6. Now blend with the white wine and, only when the alcohol has completely evaporated, cover everything with cold water (about 1 and a half liters will be needed).
  7. Bring to the boil and cook over low heat, calculating about 45 minutes from the boil .
  8. When this time has elapsed, equip yourself with a fine-mesh strainer, or even a sanitized cotton cloth, and filter the broth , so that all the rest is separated.

You can use fish stock for risottos and a thousand other preparations : it will be perfect for seafood risotto !


You can keep the comic strip in the fridge for a maximum of 1-2 days . Alternatively you can freeze it in the freezer and use it when necessary.

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