
For a quick lunch, try the stracchino and rocket pasta

stracchino and rocket pasta

A couple of ingredients are enough to prepare stracchino and rocket pasta or one of its delicious variations. Here are our ideas!

We all know how difficult it is to find easy and quick first courses to bring to the table that are different from the most banal recipes or prepared with ready-made sauces. For this reason, when we experienced the goodness of stracchino and rocket pasta (and some even tastier variations) we decided to share it with you.

In fact, imagine a sauce that is ready even in less time than that required by the pasta to cook. This means free time and no rush as well as lunch save ! For this preparation we have kept it simple but the variations are really many. First of all you can replace the stracchino with ricotta , robiola or feta cheese and then, as mentioned before, it is a dish that lends itself to many variations. Let’s see the few steps together.

stracchino and rocket pasta

How to prepare the recipe for stracchino and rocket pasta

  1. First, cook the pasta in abundant salted water for the time indicated on the package.
  2. Separately, in a pan, melt the stracchino with milk, season with a pinch of salt and a sprinkle of pepper.
  3. Chop 50 g of rocket with a knife and add it to the stracchino a few moments before draining the pasta. Skip everything over low heat, adding a few tablespoons of cooking water if you need to make the dish creamier.
  4. Serve hot completing with fresh rocket and another ground pepper.

The best variations of the dish: stracchino and rocket pasta with …

There are several variations of this quick and easy recipe. The first is pasta with stracchino, rocket and cherry tomatoes obtained by adding 200 g of cherry tomatoes cut into quarters after having tossed the pasta in a pan. They will give a really pleasant fresh and crunchy note, perfect if you are looking for a first summer. Equally simple, pasta with rocket, stracchino and walnuts is obtained by adding 50 g of walnuts at the end, after having been sautéed in a pan.

For the pasta with stracchino and rocket and speck , on the other hand, we recommend that you skip the speck sticks in a separate pan and add it to the pasta at the end. So it will remain crunchy and tasty. The same goes for pasta with stracchino, rocket and raw ham . In both cases, 100 g of speck or raw diced or sticks will suffice.

Also try the cold version of pasta with tomatoes , rocket and mozzarella, perfect for summer.


We advise you to consume this first course freshly made to avoid the rocket from spoiling with the heat.

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