
Gluten-free cold pasta with cherry tomatoes, olives and mozzarella

Gluten-free cold pasta

Ingredients and recipe to prepare an excellent gluten-free cold pasta with tomatoes, mozzarella and olives, perfect for the summer!

Preparing gluten-free cold pasta is very simple and today we offer you a perfect sauce for the summer: tomatoes, mozzarella, basil and pitted olives. This first course is perfect to take to the office or for an outdoor lunch to be eaten even under an umbrella for those who are already lucky enough to be on vacation .

To prepare gluten-free recipes it is very important to pay attention when purchasing the pasta and all the other ingredients, checking that the appropriate crossed-out ear symbol is present on the package in order to avoid dangerous contamination.

Like all recipes of this type, gluten-free cold dishes can also be seasoned with other ingredients according to one's taste and the seasonality of the products. Let's take a look at all the preparation steps!

Gluten-free cold pasta

Preparation of pasta salad for celiacs

  1. Put a pot of water on the fire for cooking the pasta, when it comes to a boil, add salt, pour the pasta and cook for the time indicated on the package .
  2. In the meantime, wash the cherry tomatoes, cut them into cubes, then cut the mozzarella and olives into slices.
  3. Once the pasta is cooked, drain it , drain the water well and pour the pasta into a baking dish. Drizzle with a drizzle of olive oil, mix well and leave to cool completely.
  4. Add the ingredients of the sauce to the now cold pasta and keep in the fridge until ready to serve. Enjoy your meal!

For other gluten-free first courses, we recommend preparing the summer gluten-free fusilli .

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