
Gluten-free tart

Whether with jam or cream, the gluten-free tart will delight anyone who is lucky enough to taste it!

Who doesn't like tart? It is undoubtedly one of the most loved desserts even by those who tend to prefer other dishes and can be prepared without too much effort even for those suffering from celiac disease. In this case the recipe for you is that of a gluten-free tart, excellent both with jam and with cream and fruit .

This tart for celiacs, in fact, has nothing to envy of the "classic" recipe. Thanks to our combination of ingredients you will obtain a truly delicious crumbly pastry , prepared without resorting to gluten-free preparations. We will use rice flour and corn flour, easy to find in all supermarkets, together with butter , eggs and sugar . In short, nothing too different from what we are used to. By adding a teaspoon of baking powder to the tart it will reach a softness never experienced before.

Gluten-free tart

How to prepare the gluten-free tart recipe

  1. Start by mixing together, on a pastry board or in the mixer, the flours with the sugar and the cold butter cut into cubes, until you obtain a sandy mixture.
  2. Then add the yeast, lemon zest, egg and egg yolks, and a pinch of salt.
  3. Turn on the mixer or knead with your hands vigorously and for the shortest time possible on the pastry board, until you obtain a smooth and homogeneous dough.
  4. Wrap it in cling film and place it in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, we also recommend 1-2 so that it is well cold and workable.
  5. Once the time has passed, roll out the gluten-free shortcrust pastry with a rolling pin, placing the dough between two sheets of baking paper, until it reaches about half a centimeter in thickness.
  6. Transfer it into a 22-24 cm diameter tart mold , prick the bottom with the tines of a fork and remove the excess edge with the knife.
  7. Pour the jam and level it; then with the leftover dough create decorations as you like: you can opt for the classic grid or make molds with biscuit molds.
  8. Cook at 180°C, static oven, for about 35 minutes , leaving it to cool completely before removing it from the mold and serving it.

If you love this recipe like us, we recommend that you get inspired by our cream tart and make it with gluten-free shortcrust pastry : you won't notice any difference but in exchange you will get a perfect tart for celiacs!


The gluten-free tart can be stored under a baking tray for up to a week.

Read also
Rice flour tart recipe

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