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Honey mushrooms in oil, an autumn preserve

nails in oil

Preparing honey mushrooms in oil is really simple and you will have an excellent homemade preserve to serve as a side dish.

Over the years, the preparation of homemade preserves has gradually lost its importance. Nowadays it is possible to find any raw material at any time of the year, and without any effort. Preparing tacks in oil, however, means rediscovering the flavor of tradition and taking a step back in time to when mothers and grandmothers worked hard to preserve as many products as possible to face the long winter.

Mushrooms in oil, however, are much more: perfect to serve as an appetizer but also as a side dish , they go perfectly with meat and cheese. In the more "extreme" cases they are also excellent with simple slices of bruschetta bread. In addition to nails in oil, you can also preserve other varieties of mushrooms , as long as they are small. But let's see all the steps in detail.

Nails in oil
Nails in oil

How to prepare the recipe for nails in oil

  1. First, clean the nails well, removing any residual soil and the final part of the stem. Place them in a colander and rinse them quickly under cold water.
  2. In a large saucepan, bring water and vinegar to the boil along with a spoonful of coarse salt. As soon as it reaches the boil, dip the mushrooms and cook them for 3-4 minutes once they start boiling again.
  3. At this point, drain them well and spread them out on a clean cloth, washed without fabric softener, and let them dry.
  4. In the meantime, chop the garlic and parsley with a knife.
  5. Transfer the mushrooms into a bowl together with the chopped mixture and mix to combine the flavours. Distribute the mushrooms in sterilized jars and cover with extra virgin olive oil . Close with the lid and keep them in sight for a couple of days to top up the oil level which will tend to drop.
  6. Close and place in the pantry, in a cool, dark and dry place and leave to rest for at least a week before enjoying them.

Obviously you can flavor the oil as you prefer: bay leaf, thyme, rosemary but also oregano and cloves. Furthermore, if you liked the idea, know that you can also prepare other types such asmushrooms in oil and chanterelles in oil .

Blanched nails
Blanched nails

Why do the nails need to be blanched?

Honey mushrooms are edible mushrooms which however have a toxin . Since it is a heat-labile protein toxin that deactivates between 65 and 70°C, it is sufficient to blanch them as indicated in the recipe to be able to consume them in peace. If you do not blanch honey mushrooms, you run serious health risks. Honey mushrooms should always be blanched before being used or stored, whether in the freezer or in oil.

Here is a video that illustrates all the steps to prepare this recipe. As you can see, it is possible to flavor them using other ingredients in addition to the classic parsley.


The nails in oil can be stored in the pantry for up to a year . Once opened, they should be placed in the refrigerator and consumed within a couple of weeks.

Read also: Mushroom time. Here are the edible ones

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