
How to make artichokes in oil: the recipe for a delicious preserve

Artichokes in oil

How to make artichokes in oil? Here is the recipe for preparing this perfect preserve at home to make wonderful dishes.

Are you ready to prepare artichokes in oil? These little artichokes are something sublime , perfect for enlivening aperitifs and appetizers, but also to be used for different recipes: you can use them in a side dish, in a first course, prepare croutons or even… put them on pizza! In short, there is no limit in the kitchen with these wonderful artichokes. Let's find out together how to make them and how to best preserve them!

Artichokes in oil

How to make homemade artichokes in oil

  1. First of all, take care of cleaning the artichokes. Remove the external parts that are too hard, the leaves and the internal beard, and once the heart has been obtained, leave it to soak in cold water and lemon juice (you can also put whole lemons) for at least an hour and a half.
  2. At this point, take a large saucepan and heat the vinegar with the water and the salt. For the doses: always remember to use two parts of vinegar and one of water.
  3. Now boil the artichokes for about 5 minutes and when they are ready, let them cool upside down on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  4. At this point , fill the jars with the artichokes divided in half or whole, seed oil to the brim and, if you like, also garlic and pepper. Before doing so, make sure you have sterilized the jars properly, and only then compose the preserves.

If you love artichokes, try all our recipes with artichokes too!

The variant

Alternatively, instead of boiling the artichokes, you can roast them for a few minutes on the grill. When they are cooked, put them neatly in jars, cover them with oil and any herbs to flavor them (rosemary or bay would be fine here).

How to preserve artichokes in oil

Now that we have understood how to make artichokes in oil, we must pay attention to conservation: you can leave them in a cool , dry place and wait a few days to let the vegetables absorb the flavors before consuming them. They will keep for about 1 year even if, once a jar is opened, it is better to put it in the fridge and finish the contents within fifteen days.

Read also
How to sterilize glass jars and jars?

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