
Influence: how many types exist and how they spread


All the information you need about the flu: how many exist, how they spread and the main symptoms.

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by some viruses. It can lead to minor to severe consequences. Sometimes it can even be deadly. The best way to prevent the flu, as we know, is to get a flu shot every year. Alternatively, spread can be prevented by washing hands often, avoiding close contact with sick people and cleaning surfaces that are commonly touched.

There are two types of flu vaccine: the inactivated vaccine (containing killed virus) and the vaccine containing weakened virus. It is especially important for people at high risk of developing serious complications from the flu, such as pregnant women, people with chronic medical conditions, and people aged 65 and over, to get vaccinated. There are a number of antiviral drugs that can be used to treat the flu. These drugs are most effective when taken within the first two days of illness. Let's find out together how many types there are

The different types of flu and how they spread

It's that time of year again: flu season. What most people don't know is that there are different types of flu and each one can attack us in different ways. The most common type is the seasonal flu. It is caused by the virus which usually spreads from October to May.

woman with flu

There are also at least three other types of flu, such as avian and swine , which from time to time have spread to different areas of the world, creating real epidemics.

All types can easily spread from person to person. In fact, almost all viruses are contagious through simple contact, very often even indirectly. For this reason it is advisable not only to wash your hands often, but also the objects that you touch in common.

Flu symptoms and how to tell if you have it

What if you start to feel bad? What are the telltale signs of the flu and what to do to cure it? The most common symptoms are fever , chills , body aches and a runny nose . You may also experience headaches, fatigue, and a sore throat. If you have any of these symptoms, it's best to stay home and rest until you feel better.

There is no definitive cure for the flu, but there are some things you can do to feel better. Drink plenty of fluids, get plenty of rest, and take over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen to help reduce fever and inflammation. You can also gargle with warm salt water to soothe a sore throat.

Most cases of the flu resolve within a week or so, but if any of the following symptoms occur, you should see your doctor: shortness of breath, chest pain, rapid heartbeat, confusion, and severe vomiting or diarrhea.

The dangers of this disease: why not underestimate it

Worldwide, influenza is a leading cause of death , especially in children and the elderly. It can become a serious and life-threatening disease for some people. It can lead to serious health problems, such as pneumonia and bronchitis, so it should not be underestimated.

Children , the elderly , and people with compromised immune systems are more at risk of serious complications from this disease. Treatment is especially important for people with chronic health conditions or who are pregnant.

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