Is Too Much Protein Bad? Here’s what’s important to know
More and more people are wondering if too much protein is bad for you. An issue on which the scientific community itself is often divided. So let’s find out what there is to know about it.
In recent years, the habit of including more proteins in the diet has become more and more widespread.
This is a choice that is often made by those on a diet or by those who perform physical activity. For this reason, the question about too many proteins that are bad has grown stronger.
A question to be answered for everyone is difficult as possible repercussions vary from person to person and according to the physical condition.
What happens to the body if you eat too much protein
Let’s start by saying that an excess of protein in the diet, as well as for any macro nutrient, is never something positive.
The key to staying healthy is in fact to eat in a balanced way, inserting the right amount of proteins as well as carbohydrates and fats in each meal.
So is it correct to think that too much protein in the diet is bad for you? The answer is yes. Provided that the quantity reached is higher than that requested by the body.
The protein requirement varies from person to person and this is because it changes according to age, lifestyle, possible pregnancy and other factors such as, for example, pathologies affecting the kidneys or liver. In order to determine if proteins are bad, it is therefore important, first of all, to understand how many you eat.
How much protein to eat to stay healthy
According to the scientific community, the daily protein requirement is estimated at around 0.8 / 1 g per kilo. A value that increases in adolescence, pregnancy and when there is a lot of physical activity.
This means that a person weighing 60 kg should have 48 g to 60 g of protein daily.
This value is much higher in those who follow high- protein diets or in those who play sports. In this case, if for a short time and under medical supervision, the proportion can be increased reaching 1.5 / 2 g per kilo which, always on a 60 kg person, correspond to 90 or 120 g per day.
Proportions of this type, however, must always be considered by a nutritionist who will have to keep certain blood values ​​under control in order to control any problems affecting the organs.
Do-it-yourself, in fact, could be extremely dangerous.
Going to the proteins to be taken, these must not only come from meat but also from other foods such as milk and derivatives, soy, legumes, fish and eggs. In some cases you can also take specific supplements that must always be recommended by the doctor.
High protein diet: the most common mistakes
Going to the most common mistakes that are often made with doing it yourself or trying to increase protein consumption, the biggest one is wanting to go into ketosis . It is in fact a condition that is not good for the body. And, although, it is a method used in some cases by nutritionists, it only works if followed closely by the doctor.
Obviously reducing the consumption of carbohydrates is also wrong and the same is true for those who prefer the intake of only proteins and fats. As already mentioned, the best way to ensure a good physical shape and an optimal state of health is therefore to consume balanced meals that include all the macro nutrients.
In summary, therefore, too much protein is as bad as any excess.
In order to understand how many it is right to consume it is therefore important to consider various factors such as health status, weight, lean mass, age and lifestyle. All parameters that can be evaluated together with a nutritionist.
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