
Lambertucci diet: how to lose weight with the formula 4 plus 1-4 plus 1

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The Lambertucci diet takes its name from its creator, the presenter Rosanna Lambertucci: let's see what it is and how it works.

A great connoisseur of the wellness and health sector, Rosanna Lambertucci has written several books dedicated to nutrition. The presenter has developed a diet that allows you to purify the body and lose weight quickly: let's see how it works and which foods are allowed.

Lambertucci diet: what it is and how it works

Rosanna Lambertucci hosted the Rai Più sani e più belli program for 16 years and during her long career she wrote several books on health and diets. For some years, he has often been a guest on television programs dealing with well-being and his advice is always much appreciated by the general public. Furthermore, during the Covid-19 pandemic, he started talking about his diet on social networks, also revealing interesting recipes.

His food plan, now renamed the Lambertucci diet , aims at purifying weight loss. The secret formula is 4 plus 1-4 plus 1 , or four ovo-lacto-vegetarian days followed by a vegan day, and is developed in three phases of ten days each. Pasta, bread, cereals, legumes, vegetables and fruit are allowed, while meat and fish are prohibited . With this protein restriction, the liver and intestines are relieved and, at the same time, cellular functions are reactivated.

Lambertucci's food plan includes six meals a day, namely: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, snack, dinner and after dinner. Thanks to this rhythm, blood sugar levels are kept within healthy parameters and the body is prevented from starving for too many consecutive hours.

Lambertucci diet: which foods and in what quantities?

The Lambertucci diet allows you to lose extra pounds and purify the body. As anticipated, this regime provides for the elimination of fish and meat and a 4 to 1 balance between alkalizing and acidifying foods. Among the alkaline foods we have vegetables, potatoes and fruit, while among the acidifiers there are: eggs, aged cheeses, cereals (pasta from processed flours is more acidifying than that obtained from wholemeal flours), legumes (especially dry), sweeteners and sweetened drinks, coffee, tea and wine.

As far as food quantities are concerned, it is recommended to consume 5/6 portions of fruit and vegetables a day, approximately 150 grams and 250 grams respectively. Fresh pasta can be eaten in a dose of 120 g, while for dried pasta it drops to 80 g. Biscuits 20 g per day, while bread 50 g to be divided into 2/3 portions.

Milk and yogurt , on the other hand, should be taken only once a day, in the amount of 125 g, with 5 g of sugar. Cheeses can be eaten four times a week , 50 g for the seasoned one and 100 g for the fresh one, while legumes 3 times instead of pasta. Finally, the potatoes 2 times a week, while the eggs, if you consume only the albumen, six every seven days.

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