
Let’s try the extraordinary union between polenta and bruscitt!

Polenta and bruscitt

If you have never tried the polenta and bruscitt couple, you must immediately fix it. Here’s how to easily prepare this typical dish from Lombardy.

The original recipe of bruscitt and polenta comes from Lombardy. This traditional dish is born from the union of two dishes that have different origins, but which together are a real explosion of taste. Polenta, purely from Bergamo, joins the famous bruscitt of Busto Arsizio . The latter are a typical product of the area, strips of beef that are cooked in a pan with butter and lard and blended with red wine.

This preparation consists of one of the most popular second courses of meat in Lombardy. From the Bustocco dialect, the term “bruscitti” can be translated into “crumbs” , because the meat is minced, forming a delicious sauce. A taste that is highlighted even more when combined with a tender polenta. Together, these two dishes form a rich and unmissable dish.

Polenta and bruscitt

Preparation of the recipe for polenta and bruscitt

  1. Take a non-stick pan and cover the bottom with oil (30 ml). Melt the butter and lard, cut into cubes , inside.
  2. In a gauze bag , put the fennel seeds and a clove of garlic. Place it in the pan.
  3. Also add the minced meat, and start cooking the bruscitt. Then, season with salt.
  4. Cover with the lid and cook for 2 hours , over low heat . Remember to mix at least every 20 minutes.
  5. In the meantime, devote yourself to polenta. Fill a saucepan with water and add salt. Add 1 tablespoon of oil (15 ml) and wait for it to come to a boil.
  6. At this point, pour the flour into the pot, pouring it into the pan. Stir constantly, while it cooks, waiting for the mixture to thicken. It will take about 40 minutes on low heat . When it is ready, turn off and let it cool.
  7. When the cooking of the meat comes to an end, remove the gauze bag and deglaze with red wine , raising the heat. Cook for another 10 minutes, then leave to cool.
  8. Serve, distributing the polenta on the plates and accompanying it with a portion of meat.


Serve this amazing dish for lunch and you will win over all the guests. You can keep polenta and bruscitt in an airtight container, keeping them in the fridge for 1-2 days .

We have another tempting proposal for you… try the tasty mix of polenta taragna and red lentils !

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