
Low hemoglobin in pregnancy: everything you need to know

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Low hemoglobin in pregnancy is a fairly common problem that needs to be recognized and taken early. Here's what to know.

When we talk about low hemoglobin in pregnancy we mean a lower value than usual and which can be the cause of the so-called anemia in pregnancy.
This often occurs due to the increase in blood volume that occurs naturally in pregnant women and which can lead to hemodilution . Situation in which red blood cells appear more diluted leading to lowering of hemoglobin. To verify it, a simple blood test is enough in which the presence of low blood cells in pregnancy can act as an alarm bell, thus leading to further checks.

Low erythrocytes in pregnancy: how to act

Generally, when the erythrocytes (red blood cells) are low, there may be deficiencies that are very important to recognize and keep under control.

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A low hematocrit in pregnancy, in fact, is often an indication of anemia that can depend on several factors. These include low blood sugar in pregnancy and vitamin B12 deficiency .
A problem that can be considered physiological but that if it gets worse must absolutely be addressed. For this reason, when the values ​​do not correspond to the norm, the doctor may request more frequent blood tests in order to keep the situation under strict control.

How to act against low iron in pregnancy

Anemia in pregnancy, if no longer physiological, can lead to various complications. For this reason, it is very important to intervene in the correct way.

To do this, the doctor may initially recommend a diet richer in iron, suggesting the consumption of egg yolks, meats and vegetables such as spinach and beets to always be taken in conjunction with fruits and foods rich in vitamin C. To this he can also add the prescription of some supplements.

In the face of a real anemia, however, iron-based therapies are usually prescribed. This is done in order to give the right supplies to the body that needs it most during pregnancy. Without the right amount of iron, in fact, the risk is to make the baby lack the right amount of nourishment and oxygen, leading to possible problems for the mother who could start to feel more and more tired and lacking in strength.

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