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Lunch is served with creamy lasagna with pumpkin and speck

Pumpkin and speck lasagna

To make a lunch special, prepare some rustic and delicious lasagna with pumpkin and speck with this quick recipe.

If you have never tasted lasagna with pumpkin and creamy speck, you must immediately fix it. It is a simple and good first course for young and old. The main ingredient is pumpkin, a nutritious vegetable, of which we use the pulp; processed to become a puree , it forms a creamy filling for the delicate sheet of fresh pasta.

The whole preparation is a tasty alternative to the usual lasagna with meat sauce. In this new version, there is the béchamel which makes the filling even tastier. The creaminess of the pumpkin, then, is linked to the rustic flavor of the speck and the smoked flavor of the scamorza.

Pumpkin and speck lasagna
Pumpkin and speck lasagna

Preparation of the recipe for lasagna with pumpkin and speck

  1. To begin, clean the pumpkin: remove the outer skin and clean the inside by removing the seeds and filaments.
  2. Dice the pulp of the vegetable; transfer the pieces to a pan and add 2 tablespoons of oil, garlic, rosemary.
  3. Add salt and cook over moderate heat, until it becomes soft (it should not fall apart).
  4. At the end, take 1/4 of the pulp and set it aside; smooth the remaining amount with an immersion blender .
  5. Transfer the pumpkin puree to a bowl and add the bechamel . Season with salt and mix gently with a spatula.
  6. In another non-stick pan, pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil and put the slices of speck to brown them.
  7. Slice the smoked scamorza cheese.
  8. Take a baking dish and assemble the pumpkin lasagna. On the bottom pour a layer of creamy mixture of béchamel and pumpkin, then lay the sheets of fresh pasta; spread more pumpkin cream, create a layer of speck, one of scamorza cheese, one of pumpkin pulp (the one not blended previously).
  9. Continue in this way, until all the ingredients are used up. Finally, place a last layer of pasta on the surface, cover with the last amount of pumpkin cream and sprinkle the grated Parmesan.
  10. Bake in a preheated static oven at 180 ° C for 45 minutes . In the last few minutes, activate the grill mode , so as to form the crust. When cooked, let it cool and serve.


Lasagna with pumpkin cream and speck are excellent for a lunch with friends. You can keep them in the fridge for 2 days , closed in a container.

With this tasty ingredient, you can also prepare salted pumpkin pancakes .

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