
Myopia and astigmatism: what is the difference and how to recognize them

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What is the difference between myopia and astigmatism? Let's find out together and see how to recognize one from the other and what is the cure.

Myopia and astigmatism are among the most common eye problems in the world. To date, those who want to solve this disorder permanently can safely ask for help from medicine and undergo laser surgery. Otherwise, there are always eyeglasses or contact lenses . Let's see what is the difference between nearsighted and astigmatic and how they are distinguished.

Myopia and astigmatism: what's the difference?

Even if some get confused, myopia and astigmatism are not the same thing. The first is due to the lengthening of the eyeball, while the second to an irregularity of the corneal curvature. The latter is flatter on one meridian and more curved on the other. From a practical point of view, the astigmatic person always sees blurry , while the myopic has blurry vision only at a distance.

In most cases, you're born with astigmatism – only a few people become astigmatic in their lifetime – but not everyone has the same degree. Therefore, it may happen that some people need glasses and others don't. As for myopia, on the other hand, no one has had it since they were children, but they develop it over time. However, there are tricks that can be implemented to try to improve vision.

When myopia and astigmatism appear together, however, it is a mild defect from birth, which worsens with age. In cases of this type, patients complain of reduced quality of distance vision, especially at night or when there is poor lighting. Generally, astigmatic and myopic have a different vision, but when the problem appears combined, the symptoms add up.

Myopic and astigmatic eye: how to cure it?

After seeing the difference between myopia and astigmatism, it is good to make another clarification. The myopic person will have more difficulty seeing from a distance, so much so that if the degree is high the patient will have to wear glasses for life, while the astigmatic person will always have blurry vision, both near and far.

When we talk about a combined disease, the symptoms of one add up to those of the other but, depending on the severity, you can have better or worse vision. In any case, know that with laser surgery both problems are resolved. Contact lenses can also be used if desired, but the correction is only temporary.

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