
Pumpkin and speck dumplings: a typical Tyrolean dish

Pumpkin dumplings

Tasty and refined, pumpkin canederli are a first course of typical Tyrolean cuisine made up mainly of stale bread.

Do you want a first course that is different from the usual, tasty and refined? Then you absolutely must try pumpkin canederli, a recipe that is easy to prepare and will be able to surprise you and your guests. Trentino dumplings are a dish made up of a sort of meatballs made with stale bread and speck, but today we're going to prepare a variant with pumpkin.

Let's go and see how to make pumpkin and speck dumplings!

Pumpkin dumplings

Preparation of dumplings with pumpkin and speck

  1. Heat the vegetable broth first.
  2. Clean the pumpkin by removing the skin and seeds, cut it into cubes and sauté it in a pan with half a finely chopped onion and a spoonful of extra virgin olive oil. Add grated nutmeg, salt and pepper and cook for about 20 minutes, until the pumpkin has softened .
  3. In the meantime, take some bread from the day before and cut it into small pieces.
  4. Leave it to soak in the milk and add the eggs, then start beating everything and kneading with your hands, until you get a homogeneous mixture .
  5. Add the grated cheese, pumpkin and speck. If you use diced speck, sauté it in the pan for 5 minutes before adding it.
  6. Finally, add a handful of breadcrumbs and mix everything well, trying to obtain a consistency that is good for making meatballs.
  7. Leave to rest in the fridge for 10 minutes, then form meatballs of the size you prefer.
  8. To cook the dumplings, dip them in the broth, being careful not to break them. Cook for 2-3 minutes or until the meatballs float to the surface. Your pumpkin and speck dumplings are ready! Enjoy your meal!

You can serve them by creaming them in a pan with butter and grated cheese. If you liked our canderli, also try the recipe for pumpkin meatballs with potatoes . Very yummy!


We recommend consuming the dumplings at the moment , piping hot.

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