Blended fruit cake is a real concentrate of flavor: let's see together how to prepare this dessert without butter. It may have happened to you that...
Spaghetti with scammaro, a recipe from the poor Neapolitan tradition, quick and perfect for a light but at the same time very tasty lunch. Spaghetti with...
Creme anglaise is a pastry preparation perfect for accompanying cakes and desserts, but also excellent on its own with a spoon. Creme anglaise is a variant...
Delicious apple puff pastry with puff pastry: here are the ingredients and the recipe to prepare a quick dessert for breakfast. It's always nice to start...
Prepared with a little sugar and oil, wholemeal biscuits without butter are perfect for breakfast and will keep for over a week. By now we are...
Creamy and rich in flavour, potato parmigiana is an economical and recycled recipe, perfect when you don't know what to cook for dinner. When we talk...
For those who are intolerant to brewer's yeast or want a more digestible pizza, here is the recipe for yeast-free pizza dough! Pizza without yeast is...
The Nutella roll with Thermomix is ​​the perfect dessert for all occasions. Who can resist the classic hazelnut cream? If you are looking for a quick...
Among the desserts of Emilia Romagna, the tile cake is one of the best known and most appreciated. Here's how to prepare it with the original...
Strawberry risotto is a simple but impressive dish, suitable for bringing to the table on any occasion. Today we are preparing a particular, fresh and colorful...
Fresh, sugary but with a citrus aftertaste: here is lemon jam with the Thermomix, excellent on bread or for desserts of all kinds. Preparing lemon jam...
Pizza with instant yeast is ideal if you are looking for a recipe for a quick pizza, for those last minute cravings. Instant yeast pizza is...
Here's how to prepare an excellent homemade pistachio butter perfect for breakfast using just one ingredient. The world of vegetable butters – a particular name to...
The Nutella roll is a quick dessert to make and perfect for many occasions, from breakfast to a snack to birthdays. Today we are preparing a...
We prepare the versatile gluten-free biscuit dough, perfect for rolls, logs and other delicious sweet preparations. Gluten-free biscuit dough is one of the quick and easy...
Tagliatelle della libidine for Valentine's Day with salmon and chilli pepper, a perfect dish for a romantic and tasty dinner. Lust tagliatelle for Valentine's Day have...
Here's the savory pie with artichokes, a perfect delicacy to bring joy, taste and imagination to the table! The savory artichoke pie is a real delight...
Shortcrust pastry, custard, sponge cake and, as if that wasn't enough, meringue which gives its name to the marengo cake. Today we are going to discover...
Trofie with pesto: a classic of Italian cuisine, to be served with the addition of green beans and potatoes for a tasty lunch. Trofie with pesto...
Just marinate the meat and prepare a light sauce to bring a delicious steamed chicken breast to the table. Today we are here to dispel the...