There are infinite ways to enjoy this orange cream, one better than the other: spoonful with some biscuits or as a filling. The choice is yours!...
Frico is a traditional recipe from Friuli Venezia Giulia. Made with potatoes and cheese, it is a truly delicious simple dish. Let's find out together! If...
Who doesn't remember the phrase: “The right balance between nourishment and taste” from the Kinder Delice advertisement? Here's how to prepare it in a cake version!...
With just a few ingredients and without effort it is possible to bring a delicious fennel cream soup to the table but don't forget the croutons!...
White polenta is a not very common variant of classic polenta. Let's see together what it is, what its origins are and the doses for using...
Perfect for winter, pasta with cauliflower and tomato is a quick and easy first course with an intense flavour. Here is our recipe. In addition to...
How to prepare a typical specialty of Venezuelan cuisine: tequeños, rustic and delicious cheese sticks. Today's recipe takes us straight to Venezuela. Tequeños are tasty sticks...
Similar to stuffed sandwiches, but classy! Here is the recipe for preparing delicious New Year's Eve finger foods, perfect for a standing buffet. Are you still...
Salted anchovies are a particular preserve, simple to make at home although some key steps must be respected. Salted anchovies is a recipe that does not...
How is lentil soup made? Here is the traditional recipe with the Thermomix (also for the variant with canned lentils). Today we are preparing a perfect...
Easy to customize, the salad with oranges and apples is the perfect side dish for special occasions. Here's how to prepare fruit salad. The custom of...
Here's how to make puff pastry pretzels in the air fryer, for a good and fun appetizer, suitable for everyone. Air fryer puff pastry pretzels are...
Here is an easy recipe for those who love raw fish: prawn and avocado tartare, a tasty and refined appetizer. If you are a lover of...
Gratin cauliflower with cooked ham is a tasty and easy to make second course, ideal for any occasion (and also perfect as a main course). Today...
How to prepare a typical specialty of Venezuelan cuisine: tequeños, rustic and delicious cheese sticks. Today's recipe takes us straight to Venezuela. Tequeños are tasty sticks...
Orange marmalade: a simple, healthy and genuine recipe that can also be made with the Thermomix. Try it on bread or to fill tarts and cakes!...
Let's find out how to prepare Neapolitan pasta and cauliflower, a creamy and tasty first course that is cooked in a single pot. From the Italian...
To be baked on special occasions but not only, here's how to prepare delicious lasagna with artichokes and cooked ham. An intense aroma will spread around...
Preparing cotechino in the air fryer is really simple and you will soon have a tasty second course perfect for the holidays. The time for cotechino...
Do cauliflower recipes not inspire you at all? Here are our favorites: we bet they will change your mind without a doubt! Being good in the...