The recipe for spaghetti with clams comes from Tuscany, where these shellfish are found in abundance. Let's see how to prepare it! If you are a...
Let's discover together all the steps in preparing risotto with fresh (and smoked) salmon: the recipe in two variations. Today we are cooking a delicious dish,...
The bamboo steamer allows you to create delicious dishes, such as mooncake or Chinese moon cake: here's the recipe! The mooncake or moon cake is a...
What are crumbl cookies and how are they prepared, the American decorated biscuits that drive the web crazy. Not just classic cookies, even more delicious and...
Let's find out how to prepare raisins in grappa, excellent with coffee and perfect for making your desserts tastier. Among the oldest preservation techniques is that...
Romagna watercress is a typical street food of the region. Prepared with the same dough as the piadina, here is the recipe and the best fillings....
Chestnut pudding is a particular dessert, excellent to serve at the end of a meal with cream. Here's how to prepare it with freshly picked chestnuts....
The savory pie with peppers, a tasty and simple rustic dish to prepare and serve as a summer appetizer. Here is the step by step recipe....
Chiboust cream is one of the bases of pastry making: used to fill cakes, it is also excellent on its own, perhaps with some wafers or...
Here is the original recipe for huevos rancheros, or Mexican-style eggs served with tortillas and spicy sauce. Let's move to North America to taste a Mexican...
Tagliatelle with chestnut flour is a first course with an autumnal flavor that goes well with many condiments. Here is the recipe. For a long time,...
The recipe for tasty cod meatballs cooked in an air fryer is quick and easy, crunchy on the outside and very tender on the inside. Here's...
What to eat at school to banish the pit in your stomach? The best snacks for children, healthy and quick, to always carry in your backpack....
Pasta with peppers and cream is perfect to prepare for dinner when you're out of ideas but are looking for something easy and tasty. Quick and...
Shakshuka is a typical product of Israeli cuisine prepared with tomato, peppers and eggs and served with pita bread. Eggs, tomato and peppers. Three simple ingredients...
Grape jam is a fruit jam that is very simple to make and yet very original, also delicious to taste directly on a slice of bread....
Ratatouille niçoise is nothing other than the original recipe for the side dish of pan-stewed vegetables typical of southern France. Ratatouille is a typical dish from...
Crispy on the outside, soft on the inside: quick battered courgette fritters are the perfect snack to start the meal off on the right foot! Let's...
The recipe for the seasonal dessert with strawberry grapes: here are the ingredients and all the steps of the Bertolina cake! The Bertolina cake is a...
Few ingredients for a refined appetizer full of flavour. We are talking about sardines marinated with lemon and vinegar. In a respectable fish (and non-fish) menu...