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Risotto with red wine and sausage

risotto with red wine and sausage

Red wine and sausage risotto is a quick and easy first course perfect for any occasion. Here's how we prepare it.

Perhaps with a hint of presumption we want to tell you that we have found a perfect first course. In fact, risotto with red wine and sausage is one of those preparations capable of saving not only family dinners , with a dish that can also be considered unique, but also the most important occasions.

By now you know how much we love tasty recipes and when we came up with this combination we couldn't resist. And thank goodness! Very simple to prepare , like all risottos, thanks to the addition of red wine (choose a quality one , perhaps among those typical of your territory and still) it acquires a truly incredible color and aroma.

Rice for risotto
Rice for risotto

How to prepare the red wine and sausage risotto recipe

  1. First, finely chop the onion and transfer it to the pan with the oil. Brown it for a couple of minutes then add the sausage removed from the casing and crumbled with your hands, also browning for another 2 minutes.
  2. Add the rice, toast it then add the red wine.
  3. When you no longer smell alcohol rising from the pan, start the actual cooking with the boiling broth . You can prepare it yourself or use stock cubes or ready-made broth. The important thing is to add only enough to just cover the rice, little by little. From this moment, calculate 16-18 minutes of cooking.
  4. Remove from the heat and then stir in the butter and parmesan, then let it rest for a couple of minutes before serving.

Here is a video with all the steps of the recipe. Our advice is to follow the Piedmontese tradition and blend with a good Barbera which you will then also bring to the table as a wine to consume.

If you liked this combination we recommend you also try the classic sausage risotto or one of the most successful combinations: sausage and mushroom risotto .


The risotto should be consumed at the moment , however, if you have leftovers, you can reheat it either in a pan or in the microwave before consuming it.

Read also
The 7 steps to make a perfect risotto!

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