
Soft and delicious rosemary bread

rosemary bread

Rosemary bread is a variant of the classic bread which, thanks to the presence of rosemary, is aromatic and decidedly greedy. Let’s find out how to do it!

Among the delicious recipes to be made often in order to be able to fully enjoy foods rich in taste there is undoubtedly that of bread with rosemary.

Its presence on the table is in fact ideal for accompanying second courses of all kinds. Moreover, thanks to its full flavor and the scent it releases, it is a valid alternative for an afternoon snack or when you simply want to taste something good.

So let’s find out how to make a soft rosemary bread!

rosemary bread

Preparation of the rosemary bread recipe

  1. Start by taking a bowl and pour in the flour and crumbled yeast.
  2. Mix well adding the water a little at a time.
  3. Also add oil and salt and continue to mix until the mixture is workable with your hands.
  4. Create a ball, place it in a bowl covered with cling film and put it to rise in the oven for about two hours. During this time the oven must be switched off but with the light on.
  5. After the time has elapsed, when the dough has risen at least twice as much, take it and place it on a floured surface.
  6. Pour over oil, rosemary and coarse salt and start giving it a shape.
  7. When you reach the one you prefer (do not work the dough too much) sprinkle everything with more oil, with rosemary and coarse salt.
  8. Place the bread on a baking tray and let it rest for another hour.
  9. Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes or until the bread begins to brown.

Rosemary flavored bread: variations and combinations

It is also possible to make the same bread with the addition of other ingredients such as peppers or olives.
This will give life to one of the quick and easy recipes that you can prepare at any time. As for the combinations, this bread lends itself to accompany any dish but is also excellent if cooked in the oven with mozzarella.

Finally, if you want a similar but gluten-free recipe , you can try the gluten-free rosemary bread.


Rosemary bread can be stored in a bread bag for two or three days . Furthermore, when it becomes hard it can be reheated to regain fragrance and used as stale bread to give life to other recipes full of flavor.

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