Tasty broccoli with garlic sauce and dried tomatoes

A delicious side dish that can also become a perfect and quick sauce for pasta: tasty broccoli with garlic sauce and dried tomatoes.
A side dish of tasty broccoli with garlic sauce and dried tomatoes will be a good idea to “whip up” a very simple second course, such as cheese, a poached egg, an omelette or a slice of grilled meat.
This recipe is very versatile because, in addition to being a varied and tasteful side dish, it can also be the condiment for a very appetizing pasta.

Preparation of broccoli with garlic sauce and dried tomatoes
- To prepare your tasty broccoli with garlic sauce and dried tomatoes, clean the broccoli and then boil it in salted water for a few minutes, until it becomes tender, while remaining firm.
- Drain the broccoli and transfer it to a bowl.
- Take a small part of these boiled broccoli and put it in a blender together with the chopped garlic cloves deprived of the internal green sprout, some dried tomatoes, spoons of white wine vinegar, and plenty of extra virgin olive oil.
- The sauce should be fluid . With this sauce, and if needed with a little more extra virgin olive oil, season the broccoli that you have poured into the bowl, and if necessary season with salt.
- Complete the side dish with two nice handfuls of almond slices , which you have first toasted in the oven, and a few pieces of dried tomato.
- The final touch is some freshly ground black peppercorns.
If you like this vegetable, we also recommend our broccoli and potato quiche .
We recommend keeping this light side dish for up to 2 days in the refrigerator, inside a container with an airtight lid. We do not recommend freezing in the freezer.
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