
The perfect diet for the change of season: how to deal with it and what to eat

change of season diet

The month of March introduces us slowly towards the new season. Let's find out how to eat to better prepare ourselves.

When you enter the month of March, you gradually (sometimes not too much) approach the change of season. The climate is starting to get milder, there is a desire for change and we often find ourselves wishing to feel lighter.
After a winter made up of fatter foods, sweets and still some hangovers from the typical winter season festivities, eating differently can therefore be a good way to approach the new season.

By starting to eat healthier, it is possible to strengthen the body and achieve better performance. Which, in addition to making you feel better, also helps to avoid the typical ailments of the change of season. Let's find out, therefore, what are the best ways to follow a diet that is able to detoxify, lighten and nourish the body at the same time.

March diet: how to detox in view of the change of season

The first thing to do when you choose to cut back on excesses to purify your body a bit is to include fruit and vegetables in your diet that can make your body more efficient .

change of season diet

So here is the time to give the green light to the so-called bitter vegetables as well as able to purify and fortify the liver. From radicchio to artichoke (also in the form of a decoction ), passing through asparagus, these are foods that help the liver. And which, among other things, which contribute to the purification process of the organism.

Mallow infusions are also excellent. Obviously to be enjoyed without sugar and, at most, with a teaspoon of honey, because they offer a light but effective laxative action to contribute to the purification process.

What to eat to get ready for the change of season

Purifying the body, of course, is not enough by itself to get us back on track. In order for the body to fortify itself, it is necessary to eat differently. This time of year it can be useful to slow down with sweets and fried food, choosing healthier and more nutritious foods.

A good way to eat can be to start the day with sugar-free Greek yogurt to accompany seasonal fruit. For those who love salty foods, eggs with toasted wholemeal bread are also good. Even the classic breakfast can be maintained, however opting for sugar-free soy milk or adding strictly whole grains.

At lunch and dinner, carbohydrates and proteins should never be missing to accompany vegetables. In fact, meals should always be well balanced in order to avoid spikes in blood sugar. A good example can therefore be that of a plate of pasta or brown rice with vegetables followed by a second protein dish to be accompanied with a small salad and, if desired, with fruit. Another option is that of a second course based on meat or fish (eggs, cheese and vegetable products are also fine) with vegetables and a slice of wholemeal bread.

The snack can be based on a handful of dried fruit, perhaps to be associated with a sugar-free green tea or the aforementioned mallow tea . Those with a sweet tooth, on the other hand, will be able to benefit from the properties of dark chocolate (provided they are never below 75%) by indulging in around 20 grams.
Obviously, good hydration (based on natural or flavored water) must contribute to all of this. And to this we must add healthy movement and walks in the open air, essential (as well as the right diet) to fill up on vitamin D.

By acting in this way, the organism will soon be both more purified (obviously it will be necessary to choose the foods suggested first) and strong and healthy. You will feel lighter, you will lose any extra kilos effortlessly and you will be able to meet the change of season and temperature. All with new strength and energy, necessary to better face the day.

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