
Tics in children, there is hardly ever to worry: just pay attention to the type of movement

sad sick little girl

Tics in children are almost never a concern, but attention should be paid to the type of involuntary movement.

Many parents are alarmed, but, in most cases, tics in children disappear completely naturally within a year of onset . However, some situations require a more in-depth evaluation by a specialist. Let's see when to worry about childhood tics and when, instead, it is good to leave the children quiet.

Tics in children: there is hardly ever to worry

Tics in children, as well as those that appear in adulthood, are involuntary movements, physical or vocal, repetitive and sudden. Recognizing them is not difficult at all. First of all, infantile tics do not have continuity, so they can occur at a given time of day, disappear for a long time and reappear again. From the blinking eyelids to the rising shoulders, to the wrinkling nose, the rotating neck and the guttural sounds: these are just some of the involuntary movements that you can observe in children suffering from this 'disorder'.

It should be noted that, in most cases, there is nothing to worry about. The children often do not even notice it, while the parents are alarmed and end up transmitting their anxieties to them. Most likely, with tics in their eyes, children are just releasing some tension . Maybe they are a little stressed by the homework they give them at school or by the attitude of a classmate. Even a small 'domestic' change may be enough to create a bit of agitation, which is 'discharged' with repeated physical / vocal movements.

Tics in children: when to worry

The involuntary movements we have talked about so far are absolutely normal, so much so that specialists define them as transitory. In fact, they generally disappear within a year. There are, however, also the so-called complex tics, which must be evaluated with a little more attention. These see the children perform different actions, such as: jumping, turning, touching objects continuously, drumming with their fingers, repeating syllables and words or echoing people who speak. In some cases, the disorder can be identified with Tourette's syndrome. In cases like these, your doctor will advise you on how to treat nervous tics in children.

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