
Viburnum: all about the anti-allergic and calming plant

bunch bunch white flowers

What are the properties of viburnum? Let's find out all of them, together with the uses and contraindications to keep in mind.

A plant that can reach up to 5 meters in height, the viburnum has delightful little white flowers. It is not only an imposing and beautiful shrub to look at, but also a precious natural remedy useful for combating various problems. Let's find out all its properties, uses and contraindications.

Viburnum: all about the plant

Belonging to the Caprifoliaceae family, the viburnum, whose scientific name is Viburnum lantana L., is a medicinal plant also known as viborno, lantana, lentaggine, viorna and metallo. The plant , widespread in central-southern Europe up to 1000 meters in height, has a stem that can reach up to 5 meters in height. The crown is oval and branched, while the color of the bark is yellow if it is a young shrub and grey-brown if it is mature. The viburnum features flowers that are small and white. The fruits , on the other hand, are in clusters, red at the beginning and darker when ripe.

Viburnum boasts important properties , which are worth knowing. It is anti-allergic, spasmolytic and calming. Therefore, it is indicated to combat various problems: abdominal pain, allergies, flu symptoms, respiratory tract infections and menstrual pain.

Viburnum: uses and contraindications

Containing hydroquinone, iridoid glucosides, coumarins, tannins, resins, organic acids and alkaloids, viburnum is commercially available in the form of bark , buds and hydroglyceroalcoholic solution. Based on the benefits to be obtained, the most suitable product will be chosen. To combat allergies, for example, the use of gems is recommended. In any case, trust the indications and dosage provided by your trusted herbalist or pharmacist.

As far as contraindications are concerned, viburnum appears to be a natural remedy with no side effects. Obviously, those who have sensitivity to one or more components of the plant should keep away from it, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women.

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