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Raisins under grappa

Raisins under grappa

Let's find out how to prepare raisins in grappa, excellent with coffee and perfect for making your desserts tastier.

Among the oldest preservation techniques is that under spirit or under grappa. Raisins in grappa are a tasty end to a meal , ideal to serve with coffee or to use to make delicious desserts . Your strudel but also your apple pie or sweet rolls will take on a completely different flavor if enriched with this particular preserve.

Sultana raisins in grappa are also excellent for using those bottles in the house that no one ever drinks. In addition to grappa (the green light is also available for more artisanal versions), the rum is excellent. In both cases you can add spices and aromas to make the taste even more particular. As for raisins, both sultanas and dried Chilean raisins are fine, perhaps the best for this type of preparation. Let's see all the steps to make it happen.

Raisins under grappa
Raisins under grappa

How to prepare the recipe for raisins in grappa

  1. First, get some sterilized glass jars .
  2. Place the raisins in the jar, add the sugar and cover with the grappa (or rum). At this stage you can also add aromas to your liking or by following the suggestions we give you below.
  3. Close with an airtight lid and leave to rest in a dark, cool place for at least 15-30 days , shaking once a day. Make sure the raisins are always covered by at least 1 inch of liquid, topping up if necessary once they have absorbed it.

Furthermore, if you prefer your raisins in grappa to be less strong, you can prepare a syrup with 100 g of sugar and 500 ml of water and let it soak. It will then be drained, dabbed with kitchen paper and placed in the jar with the sugar and alcohol required by the recipe as well as any flavourings.

Raisins in grappa without vacuum

For this recipe it is not necessary to proceed with the creation of the vacuum because the alcohol present acts as a preservative. Among the combinations that we would like to suggest are:

  • rum, cinnamon, orange peel and cloves
  • grappa, lemon zest and vanilla pod

If you like the idea, you can also make cherries in grappa , a perfect gastronomic gift or a treat to keep in the pantry and enjoy with coffee.


Raisins in grappa will keep for up to a year in the pantry. The important thing is that the liquid always covers the fruit.

Read also
Grapes in alcohol: the recipe for delicious preserves!

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