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Gluten-free bread: the recipe with buckwheat!

Bread with buckwheat

Homemade buckwheat bread: the ingredients and the step-by-step recipe to make a fragrant, gluten-free savory leavened bread, excellent to serve with cured meats and cheeses!

Buckwheat, known to most for being one of the ingredients of pizzoccheri and polenta taragna, can be used in many preparations such as buckwheat bread. Considered a "false cereal", buckwheat is naturally gluten-free and this also makes it suitable for celiacs and those intolerant to gluten.

In the kitchen it can be used either in the form of flour in the preparation of sweet or savory leavened products or in the form of seeds which must be washed carefully and then boiled in boiling water. Now let's see how to prepare bread with buckwheat flour!

Buckwheat bread
Buckwheat bread

How to prepare buckwheat bread recipe

  1. First, to make buckbread, dissolve the yeast in a little warm water with honey . Alternatively you can use malt or sugar.
  2. Pour the flour into a large bowl, add the dissolved yeast with the honey, start kneading then slowly add the rest of the water. You should obtain a rather liquid mixture.
  3. Continue to work and add the olive oil and salt .
  4. Line a plumcake mold or a round baking tray with baking paper and pour in the mixture. Cover with cling film and leave to rise in the oven with the light on for 2 hours.
  5. Spread some sesame seeds on the surface if desired (or other seeds of your choice) and cook in a preheated oven at 200°C for 20-25 minutes . Once cooked, remove from the oven and let cool before serving.

In this video you can see all the steps to make the recipe, including the consistency of the dough before cooking.

Among the other recipes with buckwheat flour, we recommend you try a classic one: gluten-free pizzoccheri , slightly different from the originals but still excellent.

3 tips for perfect homemade buckwheat bread

For some, buckwheat has a somewhat strong taste (you will notice it immediately, even just by smelling it): if it is too much for you, we recommend halving the dose of buckwheat flour and using it together with 250 grams of preparation for gluten-free bread and pizza. Alternatively, here are the gluten-free flours you can use instead !

Never cut the loaf before it is completely cold! Once your gluten-free bread is out of the oven, leave it at room temperature for an hour or two before cutting into slices.

Remember that buckwheat bread does not contain gluten and therefore if you are not used to gluten free preparations you will have to get used to it a little. If you notice that the leavening times and the consistencies of the dough are slightly different , this is normal!


Homemade bread will stay fresh for a couple of days away from sources of humidity (a paper bag will do). Or, you can freeze it in slices.

Read also
Crunchy gluten-free ciabatta bread

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