Black cherry jam: genuine and very sweet
Among the most loved and appreciated flavors, black cherry jam goes perfectly with everything, but it's also delicious on its own.
Who knows why, only with the arrival of warm weather does the desire to prepare jams and preserves ignite … yet even winter can be put "in glass", but perhaps we don't have all this interest in prolonging its shelf life. No more talking, let's go back to summer and its fruits with black cherry jam.
True, it would be more correct to call it black cherry jam, but we know that often the most practical way is chosen. Disquisitions on the name aside, black cherry jam is the summer jam recipe par excellence, the one that is good on its own, on bread (perhaps with a thin layer of butter) and in tarts . So if you've always wondered how to do it, now is the time to find out. Ready to pit ?

How to make black cherry jam with the traditional recipe
- First, buy premium quality fruit free of marks and bruises.
- Wash it under running water, dry it and remove the stem and, with patience, begin to pit them. You can proceed by hand, cutting the fruit in half, or with the help of a straw or a stoner : you can also find cheap ones on the market. Using the straw is very simple, push one end towards the center of the fruit starting from where you removed the stone, if the fruit is ripe the stone will come out very easily.
- Then transfer the cleaned cherries into a saucepan, add the sugar and mix.
- You can proceed immediately to cooking or leave everything to rest for a couple of hours so that the fruit releases its juice.
- Transfer the pot to the heat and cook for 45 minutes or 1 hour, stirring occasionally. We advise you to remove the white foam that forms on the surface with a slotted spoon.
- After the first cooking period, proceed with the saucer test : by dropping a teaspoon of jam onto a cold plate from the fridge and tilting it, it will have to stop dripping almost instantly or in any case do it very slowly. Be careful not to cook the jam longer than the indicated time, otherwise it will become very hard and almost gelatinous.
- At this point you can decide to blend the jam with an immersion mixer to make it more homogeneous or keep it in pieces.
- Transfer it into the sterilized jars , leaving an inch of air from the edge, close with a new cap and turn it upside down . In this way the vacuum will be formed.
- Once the jars have completely cooled , you can store them in the pantry.
Black cherry jam can be kept in the pantry for up to a year . Once opened, however, it should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 10 days.
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