Cod baked in foil, perfect if you are looking for an easy fish second course
Of all the fish main courses, cod baked in foil is one of the simplest to prepare. Here is the basic recipe and some tasty variations.
We tend to think that fish main courses are too long and complex to prepare. In reality there are some techniques that come to our rescue and that allow us to shorten the times but at the same time obtain excellent results. Let's take cod baked in foil for example: just a few ingredients, less than half an hour in the oven and you're done. It is also a light recipe that requires the use of very little oil , therefore ideal if you are on a diet but don't want to give up on flavour.
Since it is a recipe in the oven, you won't have to worry about following the cooking too much. The foil will do all the work and all you have to do is wait to savor an excellent baked cod fillet. There are several variations of this recipe: some prepare it with cherry tomatoes, some add potatoes and some still use whole cod. We give you the recipe to prepare it with fresh fillets and cherry tomatoes, but also some tips for the other versions.

How to prepare the baked cod recipe
- First, make sure that the cod fillets have no thorns by running your finger over the flesh.
- Place 4 sheets of parchment paper in front of you on a chopping board and place a cod fillet on each one.
- Then distribute the cherry tomatoes cut in half, a pinch of salt, a grind of pepper and some dried oregano. Drizzle each one with half a spoonful of oil and close it like a candy , securing the ends with string.
- Bake the cod en papillote with cherry tomatoes in the oven at 200°C for 20 minutes . Remove from the oven and serve directly in foil.
You can also omit the cherry tomatoes and just flavor the cod with oil, salt and pepper. The result will still be excellent.
Variants of cod baked in foil
As mentioned, this fish dish can be prepared in different ways. For example, you can make frozen cod baked in foil , simply by letting the fillets defrost and then proceeding as per the recipe, or you can make the richest cod baked in foil with potatoes. In this case, cut the potatoes into chunks of one centimeter on each side, blanch them for 5 minutes then add them to the foil, with or without cherry tomatoes, and continue as per the recipe.
The idea of ​​preparing whole cod in foil is also excellent, perfect if you have many guests and you are unable to prepare a foil for each of them. In this case, clean the cod by depriving it of the head, innards and scales. Rinse it and dry it with kitchen paper then place it on a sufficiently large sheet of parchment paper. The sauce is to taste and you can also decide to add potatoes and cherry tomatoes but in this case the cooking times are longer. It will take 30 minutes at 200°C before it is ready.
To prepare the cod baked in foil in a pan, proceed as per the basic recipe for the preparation of the foil. Then place it in a pan, put the lid on and cook for 10 minutes on each side, turning halfway through cooking. The result will still be excellent! Also, if you liked this recipe, try our baked cod too!
Better to consume freshly made en papillote cod. However, if you have any leftovers, place them in the refrigerator and consume them within a couple of days .
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