Covid Commission of Inquiry: the book that denounces Conte, Speranza, Borrelli and Arcuri for the management of the pandemic
Giorgio Carozzi, a Milanese lawyer, is the author of "Let the knots come home to roost", a book that recounts his complaint filed with the Monza Public Prosecutor's Office where he denounces the past Government of "culpable epidemic" and "culpable crime against public health" .
According to the opinion of the lawyer Carozzi, the management of the Covid-19 pandemic in Italy has highlighted numerous anomalies and inconsistencies that have unjustly affected many people, victims of inadequate therapies or of the adverse effects caused by vaccination. Over 46,000 suspected adverse reactions have been counted on a sample of 9 million vaccine doses (source: AIFA, Covid-19 Vaccine Surveillance Report ) and even those who have obtained recognition of their pathologies, however, are currently struggling to access the health right to have access to adequate treatment and compensation in the event of disability.
Legal actions have been taken to counter the irregularities committed by the Government, but for a long time without success. However, in the light of data and initiatives from abroad, such as the numerous lawsuits initiated by the US FDA and the Association of Insurance and Legal Medicine of the Federal Republic of Germany, the situation is changing. The Milanese lawyer Giorgio Carozzi, regularly vaccinated, specializes in prevention, health and safety rules in the workplace, privacy and administrative liability of entities. For this reason, it has closely followed the management of the pandemic from the outset and has had the opportunity to take legal action on behalf of its clients.
In his book “Let the knots come home to roost. A question of Justice. Or the pride of being free” , published in March 2022 by Ginko editions and also distributed by Feltrinelli, the lawyer offers the public an in-depth analysis of the problem and its intrinsic gravity in the context of the defense of democracy, freedoms and laws. In fact, the author shares the reasons for his complaint / complaint filed with the Public Prosecutor's Office of Monza in September 2020 and supplemented by a second complaint / complaint in April 2021. These complaints aim to sanction Giuseppe Conte, the Minister of Health Roberto Speranza , Domenico Arcuri and Angelo Borrelli for their personal responsibility in the crimes of "culpable epidemic" (438 criminal code), "culpable crime against public health" (452 ​​criminal code) and "manslaughter" (589 criminal code), as well as for "systematic violations of the Italian Constitution and Legislative Decree 81/08 on safety and health at work". The lawyer himself was one of the first to request, among other things, the establishment of a commission of inquiry to evaluate requests for compensation for irreversible damage, both at a patrimonial and existential, moral and biological level, in the event that there is a causal link between the disease and the vaccine.

The author underlines that it is not something related to political movements or "No Vax", but a defense of the rule of law and the Constitution, as well as the laws in force repeatedly violated without prior parliamentary approval. Carozzi's book offers an in-depth perspective on these issues, using historical, philosophical and legal references to involve the reader in a smooth and light reading. Carozzi declares: «Mine is an ethical act as a citizen to protect those citizens who have suffered damages that are not recognized, as well as an act of denunciation to prevent certain crimes from being repeated next time. I presented the complaint/complaint and the subsequent update against Conte, Speranza, Borrelli and Arcuri at the insistence of my client – underlines the Milanese lawyer – convinced that the prosecutor would not have sent him forward. Mine, however, was the desire to restore dignity to citizens, and to restore the rule of law in Italy. I care that the laws are respected. As a man of the law, in fact, I cannot accept that the same laws are considered as wallpaper. And you can't lie to everyone forever."
There are many legal actions that have been taken in the meantime, starting with the civil suit presented by the relatives of the victims of Covid-19 to the Court of Rome, with requests for compensation for 122 million from the Government, the Ministry of Health and the Lombardy Region. And several court publications that show significant weaknesses on the part of politics in terms of the correct application of democracy. e.g. The Court of Reggio Emilia declared that "the obligation to stay at home is a measure of restriction of personal freedom", which "can only be ordered by a judge" and "cannot address an indistinct generality of people" highlighting an abuse at the political and administrative level perpetrated repeatedly in the management of the pandemic. Or the Court of Pisa which defined the declaration of the State of Emergency by the Council of Ministers as "illegitimate" because it is in fact not feasible as it has no power in the matter. Without considering the statements of scientists such as Dr. Zambon, who as a WHO official declared from the outset that the Italian response to Covid-19 was "improvised, chaotic and creative". In fact, the "Panflu" operational tool, i.e. the national plan for preparing and responding to an influenza pandemic, was not applied. Carozzi specifies: «The pandemic plan has not been updated and followed. Autopsies have been prohibited, verbal secretions and researchers and doctors left without answers. Whatever it was, it was updated and published in the Official Journal on January 2021, but it continued to be ignored » .
The author also highlights that more and more colleagues are joining this battle and getting positive feedback from magistrates, which is fueling the determination by many professionals to step up efforts to protect unjustly harmed citizens. Legal initiatives against government provisions regarding the fight against Covid-19, vaccination obligations and the suspension of wages are multiplying throughout the national territory. The regulations in force, often hastily approved with confusing and conflicting provisions, have presented numerous profiles of unconstitutionality, leading to repeated appeals to the Constitutional Court. For further information and to obtain a copy of Giorgio Carozzi's book "Let the knots come home to roost", you can visit the publisher's website or contact the Carozzi law firm for further details.
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