Do you comb your hair when it’s wet? Here’s what you should know!
Combing your hair after shampooing is a common gesture but one that should be done with some caution. Let's find out why.
Hair care includes a whole series of small unspoken rules which it is however very important to know in order to do damage.
In fact, hair is more delicate than imagined and often subject to variations such as atmospheric agents, chemical products, the heat of plates and hair dryers, elastic bands and a whole series of actions that we perform most of the time without knowing if risk causing damage.
An example is the common gesture of combing hair when it is wet. A simple and common action but which if not performed correctly can ruin the hair in an important way.
Let's find out, therefore, what there is to know about wet hair and how to act in order not to damage it.
Combing wet hair: the rules to know
Let's start immediately by saying that wet hair is almost always more fragile than dry. The almost only extends to people with very curly hair, a situation we'll talk about later and which has small exceptions. Staying on the subject of straight, wavy and slightly curly hair, these have the particularity of being more delicate when wet. In this particular phase, therefore, opting to use the brush in order to untangle them is more incorrect than ever.

In this way, in fact, the hair risks breaking, losing its natural structure and appearing more dull and opaque. The suggestion is therefore to avoid combing them when they are wet or even just damp and to postpone until after each contact with the brush. If you usually get your hair tangled during shampooing, you can comb it first, while it's still dry. Alternatively , you can opt for a wooden comb with wide teeth to be used immediately after shampooing and in very delicate ways. In this way the hair will be untangled without damaging it and still obtaining a good result by only changing the tool.
And who does it fold for? In this case it is useful to know that before switching to a brush and hairdryer it is always better to give the hair a first drying with only the hairdryer. It is a gesture often made by the hairdresser and which is never noticed but which, instead, has its foundations. Once the humidity has been eliminated, in fact, the hair will be stronger and more able to withstand the stress of a possible fold. In short, if you have straight or wavy hair, the trick is to never comb it when wet.
How to act in case of curly hair
As already mentioned, curly hair is an interesting exception to the topic of wet hair. Only when these are really very curly in fact, the rules tend to change. In this case, wet hair tends to be more resistant than dry and, only in this case, is it possible (and even recommended) to comb it when wet.
Obviously this is a gesture to always be performed with all the delicacy possible and taking care not to tear or break the hair. The wooden comb is always the most recommended choice. Alternatively, you can comb the curls with your fingers so as not to lose their shape or structure.
Knowing how to act correctly on wet hair, as well as taking care of it with honey or moringa powder , is certainly the best way to take care of it and not to damage it but to make it stronger than ever.
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