Domestic plants: how do they promote our well-being?
It often happens that we read that domestic plants are a panacea for our well-being, but is this really the case?
The answer is affirmative, without any doubt: embellishing the interior of your home with plants is not a simple aesthetic quirk, but it is something that can significantly improve the quality of life.
It is essential to choose only "house" plants
Before going into detail and finding out why this is stated, it is useful to remember that not all plants are suitable for living in domestic rooms, consequently; at the time of purchase, you must inform yourself about the relevant needs .
The category of so-called "house" plants, in any case, is very vast, so the choice is far from limited: it can range from very large and obvious plants up to species of small dimensions, suitable for planting in small pots.
There are even some species of plants such as Tillandsia that do not even need to be planted, as they do not need soil to develop and to obtain the nourishment they need; websites like offer suggestive design creations that feature these plants that are so special and perfect for indoor life.
Having made this necessary premise, let's find out why having plants at home can be such a precious measure.

Plants and mental well-being
Anxiety and stress are typical problems of today's age: many people suffer from them, therefore every measure aimed at combating them deserves to be valorised.
Numerous studies have shown how plants have an extraordinary relaxing effect on the mind, their presence in the home, therefore, can be useful for improving well-being in this sense and also for promoting good sleep.
Plants and physical well-being
Plants are the most powerful "device" there is to purify the air we breathe, but why is this stated?
First of all, as is known, plants are protagonists of the so-called chlorophyll photosynthesis, a process through which they absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen ; this would be enough to state that plants should never be missing in indoor spaces, but there is much more to underline.
Plants, especially certain species, are able to neutralize a vast range of harmful substances , thus providing cleaner air.
It would be a big mistake to believe that the air you breathe in your home is impeccable: this is not the case at all, both because external pollution can easily creep inside and because furniture, as well as detergents and anything else, becomes used for cleaning, they tend to release substances that are anything but healthy.
Formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, carbon monoxide, are just some of the substances that plants are able to destroy, to the benefit of the healthiness of environments.
But it doesn't end here, because there is also another very important reason why it can be said without hesitation that plants promote well-being by improving the air that is breathed, namely the fact that they boast an extraordinary ability to absorb humidity .
It is well known that excess humidity is decidedly unhealthy, especially in places such as homes, where so much time is spent, therefore it is essential to take the necessary countermeasures.
It must also be said that with the increasingly widespread diffusion of air conditioners, humidity in domestic environments becomes an increasingly common problem, and without necessarily having to resort to further devices with specific functions, providing for a good presence of house plants can be more that's enough.
So why give up the positive things that the presence of plants in our home can guarantee?
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