Hair transplant: let’s discover the various phases that distinguish it
Hair transplantation has now become the most popular solution for those who wish to obtain thickening:
In fact, the advantages that this methodology can ensure are countless, starting from the fact that the intervention is minimally invasive and painless, up to the quality and naturalness of the final result.
Clearly, we are still talking about a surgical operation, therefore it must be performed by expert professionals following rigorous procedures .
Even the autotransplant, as with all cosmetic surgery interventions, must not be understood as a mere operation, but as a process, which starts from preliminary analyzes until the definitive result is achieved.
In light of this, it is certainly very interesting to take stock of the main phases of this path, and to have an absolutely complete and exhaustive idea it may be an excellent idea to consult the website of a specialized clinic such as Clinic Biorigeneral .
Let's immediately see, therefore, what are the steps that distinguish a self-transplant performed in a safe and professional way.

Pre-intervention phase
The pre-intervention phase starts with a first contact between the patient and the doctor, in which the professional evaluates his client's expectations (correcting them if they are unrealistic) and carries out the first trichological tests .
Subsequently, the patient is subjected to a series of medical tests such as blood tests and electrocardiogram, aimed at ensuring that his body is able to face the operation without potential complications.
In the days preceding the operation, the final result is planned more precisely also through the creation of drawings and photos, furthermore the patient is asked to take a specific antibiotic .
Intervention phase
The operation begins with shaving the hair ; today, thanks to the refinement of latest generation techniques, shaving hair is not essential, however it is always recommended, since in this way the doctor can operate more easily and above all with greater precision.
Subsequently, the donor area, i.e. the one from which the hair will be taken and then implanted in the areas to be thickened, becomes the subject of local anesthesia , carried out using a mixture of lidocaine and adrenaline; this phase allows the procedure to be carried out in a completely painless manner.
The follicular units are therefore taken , and it is useful to underline that, from this point of view, it is possible to proceed with different methodologies: the FUE technique , which requires that the individual bulbs be taken with an instrument called punch, the DHI variant , which unlike the standard FUE allows the bulbs to be implanted directly, without resorting to previously made incisions, and the FUT technique , in which small portions of skin, the so-called "strips", are taken, from which the bulbs are recovered implant.
Post-intervention phase
Immediately after the end of the operation, painkillers are administered; in this phase the patient may feel a little discomfort, or at most a tingling, but nothing that is painful.
The patient can return to his daily life practically immediately, taking care to respect the simple precautions that will be suggested to him.
It must be the doctor's responsibility to evaluate, both with simple photographs and with periodic visits , the regular progress of the operation, and it is important to underline from now on that the definitive result is not immediate.
The formation of crusts , even quite evident ones, on the scalp should not cause concern, as it is an absolutely normal phenomenon that disappears on its own within a few days.
You shouldn't even worry about the heavy hair loss you will experience a couple of weeks after the end of the operation: this phase, called "shock loss", is also absolutely physiological.
After about 3 months the transplanted follicles will start a new life cycle and there will thus be regrowth ; the results begin to become noticeable already 5-6 months after the operation, and then become definitive after 10-12 months .
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