How to make your legs slim: diet and targeted exercises
Do you want to lose weight in a healthy way? Here are some food tips and exercises to do to slim them down.
The legs are one of the parts of the body where we women tend to accumulate extra pounds , along with the buttocks and belly. Obviously, it is not always possible to have slim and slender legs like those of models, because their shape also depends on the constitution and on various other factors.
Doing crash diets and killing yourself with exercises to try to achieve impossible (and often unhealthy) goals is therefore wrong. The first rule is to learn to love and accept yourself for who you are. Having said that, it is possible to follow a healthy diet and play sports in order to improve the current situation and gain legs toned and fit. So let's find out how to make your legs lose weight in a healthy way.
The diet to lose weight on the legs: advice
Unless you are very overweight, to slim your legs just follow a healthy diet.
This means minimizing the consumption of fatty and sugary foods and, more precisely, sausages, fried foods, fatty meat, sweets, snacks, candies, carbonated drinks and alcohol.

Salt should also be reduced , because it is one of the main causes of water retention .
Also, it's important not to overdo it carbohydrates and always choose wholemeal ones.
Going to what is best to eat instead, you can consume proteins (such as lean meat, eggs, oily fish and low-fat dairy products), and continue with seasonal vegetables and fruit.
Finally, it is essential to always drink two liters of water a day and replace coffee with green tea , if possible, which has diuretic properties.
Meals during the day should be five divided into three main ones (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two snacks. Skipping a meal, in fact, doesn't make you lose weight, but it leads to arriving at the next meal hungrier and with the risk of falling into a binge.
The diet for legs and buttocks
Together with the legs, the buttocks can also benefit from a healthy and balanced diet. There isn't much difference with diets to slim your legs, in fact you have to prefer foods with a low glycemic index . You also need to be careful with sugary fruit and vegetables. In this sense we must pay attention to oranges, apricots, bananas, grapes, peaches, figs and apples; for vegetables it is also necessary to limit carrots, peppers, onions, yellow squash and Brussels sprouts. In general, however, a healthy and balanced diet is the only real choice to make (along with sport) to tone up your legs and buttocks.
The exercises to lose weight in the legs and the sports to try
To lose weight in your legs, together with nutrition, you need to practice a lot of sport , with targeted exercises. To burn fat and improve circulation in the legs, the best activities are running, brisk walking, cycling and swimming.

Instead as regards the exercises , here are the ones to take into consideration to achieve your goal:
– Squats . These exercises are perfect for burning calories and toning your legs. They can be made at home very easily since it is not necessary to use any tools. The important thing is to keep your back straight and get down by bending your legs well, keeping your pelvis still. It's also a great exercise for your ankles, pelvis and thighs.

– You lunge . These exercises work very well because they train movement and balance, and also help firm up the legs. There can be free body, lateral and frontal ones. What matters is to carry them out in the correct way and with the right calm.

– Pelvic lift . This is part of the lower back exercises, but it is useful for firming the buttocks and legs. Keeping your back straight and squeezing your buttocks helps to firm them up. At the same time, the legs will also appear firmer.

– Climb the step . For this exercise, just place one right foot on the step. The next step is to get on it by pushing on the right leg and bringing the left leg up. Just as if it were standing on a real step. You can also jump with both legs if you can.

– Leg curls . This exercise can only be performed in the gym, as it requires the presence of a specific tool. It involves bending the leg at the thigh in the presence of resistance. It is useful for developing the hamstring and is great for the entire lower body.

These exercises, together with the right diet, will be the perfect way to lose a few extra pounds and to tone both your legs and buttocks.
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