Let’s discover a recipe from Japanese cuisine, tamagoyaki
Eggs but also mirin, soy sauce and dashi broth make up the tamagoyaki, the typical rolled Japanese omelette.
Tamagoyaki, also known as dashimakitamago, is the typical Japanese omelette usually served for breakfast as well as an inevitable dish of the bento , the Japanese snack . It is also served in sushi restaurants as its preparation is an excellent measure of the chef's skills.
What will it be difficult to prepare an omelette, you will say. Well you must know that this particular Japanese recipe, namely that of tamagoyaki, in addition to eggs includes mirin, soy sauce, sugar and dashi broth . It is precisely the latter that makes it so soft and light but at the same time difficult to prepare. Another requirement, should you decide to try your hand at the recipe, is the appropriate square or rectangular pan or makiyakinabe . Hoping I didn't scare you too much, here's the recipe.

How to prepare tamagoyaki recipe
- Break the eggs into a bowl and beat lightly with a fork: the white and yolk should still be partially separated.
- Add the soy sauce, mirin, dashi broth, sugar and salt and give it one last quick stir.
- Lightly oil the appropriate pan and pour a little of the mixture in order to create a thin and uniform layer.
- As soon as it starts to set, tilt the pan and roll it up on itself. Pour in a little more of the mixture and continue cooking until the egg mix is ​​used up.
- Once ready, pass the tamagoyaki on a film-coated sushi mat and give it the characteristic rectangular shape. Let rest wrapped for a few minutes then serve cut into slices.
This Japanese omelette is really special and deserves to be tried. Alternatively, we recommend a richer but also simpler version to make,okonomyaki .
Tamagoyaki can be kept in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic wrap, for a couple of days . It is recommended to consume it at room temperature.
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