Baked sea bream with potatoes and cherry tomatoes: a simple and perfect baked fish second course for all occasions. You are looking for a fish-based recipe...
Here's how to prepare a tasty and genuine homemade cranberry jam with this simple recipe. With an easy recipe you can make tasty cranberry jam at...
The traditional recipe for Piedmontese panissa is that of an easy first course, made with typical ingredients: rice, beans, duja salami and little else. Vercellese panissa...
Gluten-free apple pie is the celiac-friendly version of a traditional and delicious baked dessert, ideal at the end of a meal or for breakfast. Today we...
Going full of jujubes is a recurring expression but few people know what it really is and what the origin of the saying is. When we...
In one go you can prepare an excellent boiled capon and a delicious meat broth, perfect for making delicious first courses. Boiled capon is a recipe...
Ribollita is a semi-solid soup typical of Tuscan cuisine. Among the ingredients that cannot be missing are bread, black cabbage and beans. Today we are going...
Crepes with the Thermomix are quick and easy to make and can be filled with sweet or savory ingredients. Here's how to prepare them! Have you...
When we talk about quick first courses we must also remember the pumpkin and bacon pasta, autumnal and very tasty, perfect for family dinners. Although pumpkin...
For a simple and tasty lunch, serve the cacio e pepe risotto to be prepared in a short time. The cacio e pepe risotto recipe is...
Imagine a sort of omelette with potatoes, horseradish and pecorino, cooked in a pan, in the oven or on the grill and you will have horseradish....
White truffle tajarin are a refined first course typical of Piedmontese culture, ideal for any occasion and easy to make. Today we are preparing some delicious...
Perfect for the cold season, the pumpkin and carrot soup is simple to prepare and can also be frozen. Here is our recipe. The color of...
Tasty and simple to prepare: here is the recipe for risotto with radicchio and taleggio, perfect for a family lunch or dinner. Preparing risotto with radicchio...
Porcini mushroom lasagna is an incredible dish, perfect to serve during an important dinner and which can be prepared in many delicious variations. Here's how to...
Few ingredients and lots of flavor. This is what scallops with mushrooms and cream are, a creamy second course perfect for the cold season. Don't know...
Preparing ricotta soup is really simple and just a few ingredients are needed. Here's how to make it with the Tuscan recipe with spinach. When we...
Here's how to make chestnuts cooked in an air fryer and all the advantages that this cooking method brings. Incredible but true, with the air fryer...
From America to the Italian table: here are the ingredients and recipe for the homemade barbecue sauce, ideal for seasoning meat-based main courses! It enhances the...
Potatoes, pumpkin and some aromas will give life to the best pumpkin pie you have ever tasted, try it. If you decide to prepare the yellow...