Azuki jam, called anko, is the protagonist of the most famous Japanese desserts, first and foremost mochi and dorayaki. Let's find out how to prepare it!...
Let's prepare some good salted chestnuts, a quick and easy recipe to make them in a pan. Salted chestnuts are a truly delicious product, easy to...
Good both baked and pan-fried, the cauliflower omelette is good on its own or inside a sandwich. Here's how to prepare it and some tasty variations....
Dairy-free crĂŞpes are a lighter version of traditional ones, easy to prepare and ideal for filling with sweet or savory ingredients. Dairy-free crepes are a light...
How is Neapolitan ragĂą made? Here are the ingredients and the typical Neapolitan recipe perfect for seasoning succulent pasta dishes. Neapolitan ragĂą, also known as 'o...
How to prepare polenta with mushrooms, a great classic of autumn dishes. Here are the ingredients and the step-by-step recipe! First autumn, then winter. Two seasons...
Jujube jam is a preserve with an ancient flavour, perfect for creating rustic cakes but also excellent for spreading on bread. We all know the saying...
Caramelized chestnuts are delicious to be enjoyed cold, at the end of a meal together with coffee. Here is the recipe with just 3 ingredients. Impossible...
A shell of crunchy caramelized puff pastry filled with delicious custard: here's the easy recipe for cream cannoncini! Undisputed protagonists of the pastry mignon cabaret ,...
How to prepare crepes without eggs and milk? Ingredients and recipe for the basic recipe to be filled according to your tastes! CrĂŞpes without eggs and...
The ricotta and fig tart is a crumbly and delicious dessert. Let's find out how to make one in a short time. Making a ricotta and...
Let's find out how to prepare a light persimmon pudding using only two ingredients and without added sugar. Persimmon pudding is an amazing recipe. Prepared with...
Have you ever heard of Kaiserschmarren: let's cook this traditional egg-based dessert that is very reminiscent of crepes! Today we are cooking a dessert of Austrian...
Let's find out how to prepare fried pumpkin, a recipe as simple as it is tasty that will conquer adults and children alike. Fried pumpkin is...
Fried Lombard pumpkin, ingredients and recipe to prepare a simple and delicious dish! Breaded and fried Lombard style pumpkin is a very simple and very tasty...
Pancakes with the Thermomix are even easier and quicker to make: here is the recipe for a perfect result! Today we are preparing pancakes, a quick...
Do you want delicious first courses? Pumpkin and speck pasta is the one for you! Here's how to prepare this delicious autumn recipe. Pumpkin is the...
Aside from cooking times, preparing mashed potatoes in an air fryer is really quick and the result is something truly delicious. Halfway between boiled potatoes and...
Typical Tuscan, chestnut polenta is a poor recipe but rich in flavour, excellent served with cured meats and cheeses. Today we are going to discover an...
Very simple to prepare, carrot cream soup is tasty and versatile. Here's how to prepare it with the basic recipe, how to serve it and all...