Paroxysmal positional vertigo: what is the disorder that affected Elisa
Paroxysmal positional vertigo is a disorder that affects balance and can have various causes: let's see what it is.
When it comes to vertigo, the brain and the ears are the two main organs involved. From these can originate various types of vertigo , identifiable only through specialist examinations and instrumental examinations with the aim of establishing a more precise diagnosis. So let's try to understand what are the causes of this disorder and how it should be treated.
Paroxysmal positional vertigo: causes and symptoms
First of all, there are two types of vertigo: peripheral and central . The former condition is directly caused by the most common type of internal vestibular disorder, known as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), which has brought singer Elisa to the attention of the most. At the basis of the diagnosis, then, there are two very specific symptoms: the head is subject to certain movements and the vertigo resolves in less than 1 minute by keeping the patient's head still.

The cause of this particular type of vertigo is linked to a separation of tiny crystals of calcium oxylicate, called otoliths , from the internal vestibule of the ear. The latter come out of the structure that holds them together due to accidents and physical traumas but not only. In addition to this, family history or even viral causes must also be taken into account, which can never be excluded. This disturbance leads to the transmission of a different signal between the right ear and the left ear.
The symptoms are different, ranging from spatial disorientation to loss of balance, vomiting , nausea , nystagmus (swinging movements of the eyes), hearing disturbances, falling to the ground. With the appearance of these symptoms, it is advisable to consult a specialist, specifically the neurologist and the otolaryngologist.
The risk factors of this ailment
The risk factors that can lead to the development of this disorder are different: first of all, bad posture, but bad habits, including: diabetes, hypertension, poor diet and "ototoxic" drugs that damage the ears.
How is positional vertigo treated? The most used therapy consists of the Hallpike maneuver , which serves to bring the ototliths where they can no longer cause damage, thus stabilizing the patient's balance. This specific therapy requires as many sessions as there are otoliths inside the ear. Healing can happen very quickly or over the course of a few weeks and months.
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