Psychosomatic allergy: causes, symptoms and remedies
Psychosomatic allergy is an "extreme" response of the body to something external and disturbing. Let's find out how to recognize it and what to do when it occurs.
To fully understand what psychosomatic allergy is, it is first of all necessary to start from the actual allergy.
This occurs when there is an excessive response of the immune system to external substances (allergens) that are considered harmful by the body . It therefore happens that the contact between the antibodies and these substances leads to an allergic reaction which can manifest itself in different ways.
In general, the best known allergens are food, pollen, metals, drugs, bee stings or wasp stings, etc… These can be identified through specific tests such as the patch test, the prick test or the of provocation. In the case of psychosomatic allergy , the same thing happens in the body but without there being a real underlying allergy. What remains the same is the body's need to defend itself against something it considers dangerous.
Symptoms of psychosomatic allergy
Typically, the symptoms of psychosomatic allergy are the same as those caused by allergens.
Among the most common are therefore wheals, eye reactions, stress urticaria , respiratory and digestive problems.

The difference lies in the cause which is no longer an allergen in itself but a situation , a person or anything considered to be a danger. Here, therefore, that an allergy can manifest itself in case of difficult relationships, problems at work or unconscious fears towards the surrounding world.
Although the symptoms are in most cases simple to keep at bay as they are not triggered by a real allergy, it is very important to always keep in mind that these are in any case real and not imaginary.
The presence of an allergic reaction, albeit psychosomatic, in fact demonstrates that the body is in a phase of stress from which it is important to get out of it as soon as possible. Failure to do so can lead to the well-known nervous gastritis, intestinal inflammation and all those problems which, despite having a nervous origin, border on the medical part becoming real pathologies to be treated.
How to recognize and treat psychosomatic allergy
To distinguish a psychosomatic allergy from a medically proven one, in general, it can be useful to do all the necessary tests to investigate the presence of possible allergies. If the various tests are all negative, one can begin to think of a psychosomatic allergy. To this are added symptoms usually present such as anxiety, generalized stress, fear in facing even simple situations, etc…
Once recognised, a psychosomatic allergy obviously requires the intervention of an expert person who is able to intervene both physically and, above all, psychologically. Through a therapeutic process (usually to be dealt with by an expert in psychosomatics), one can gradually learn to no longer be afraid of certain substances or situations and to react to them without giving rise to allergic attacks.
It is obviously a path that can vary from person to person but which in any case is able to bring about benefits which gradually lead in turn to a better quality of life. It is therefore a truly fundamental passage for personal well-being and for the possibility of facing life with greater security and more serenity.
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