A great lover of cuisine, Gabriele D'Annunzio won over Eleonora Duse with a rose risotto which today takes his name. Here is the recipe. Gabriele D'Annunzio...
Let's discover Mexican pozole, a soup with pork and corn rich in flavors and perfect for any occasion. Pozole is a meat and vegetable soup typical...
A quick and easy dessert, perfect for a snack: the apple roses will win you over with their crunchiness and their scent. We are always in...
With leftover meat and vegetables you can prepare Carlo Cracco's delicious meatballs and serve them with the biancatto sauce. Let's find out what it is! Meatballs...
Perfect both in a pan and in the oven, the potato and artichoke omelette is a quick and easy recipe perfect for spring. With the arrival...
Few ingredients and lots of flavor: here is a simple but effective description of a first course for all occasions, trenette with pesto. Everyone knows pasta...
Simple and quick to prepare, perfect to serve for those who love tasty and different side dishes. Here is the recipe for vegan stuffed artichokes! Vegetable...
Let's find out how to prepare protein waffles, a healthy alternative for breakfast, ideal for enriching with yogurt, fruit or jams. Defining protein foods as a...
Pasta with beans and mussels is a typical dish of the Neapolitan tradition that combines the flavor of the sea with the aromas of legumes and...
The soft donut is the right way to start the day and stays soft for a week. Here is our recipe! When we hear about soft...
The invisible potato cake is a quick savory cake prepared without a pastry shell and without flour. Here's the recipe that will save your dinner! The...
What did the chef use to make a classic of Italian cuisine special? Here is the recipe for spaghetti with tomato sauce by Carlo Cracco. There...
Sugar-free lemon jam is prepared with just two ingredients and is perfect for fully savoring the flavor of this citrus fruit. Sugar-free jams are a healthy...
Creamy and irresistible, let's discover how to prepare pasta and beans in the Neapolitan version, a simple soup with the flavor of times gone by. Pasta...
A light dessert, perfect for Carnival, baked staples will appeal to adults and children alike. Try them with our infallible recipe! Carnival is upon us and...
Do you know how to make your leek and bacon risotto creamy? In our recipe we will reveal all the secrets. If you too have always...
Ingredients and recipe for preparing wiener schnitzel, a specialty of Viennese cuisine, also widespread in Germany and Alto Adige! It is usually thought that wiener schnitzel...
Parisian gnocchi are a simple but delicious first course that can also be prepared in advance. Again a culinary dispute between neighbors: Italy and France. This...
Let's find out how to prepare a variant of the classic Carnival dessert: savory chiacchiere, perfect as an aperitif. Today we are preparing a tasty and...
Let's revisit a classic Carnival dessert to create another equally delicious one. Here is the recipe for miles without ricotta. Region you go, Carnival dessert you...