Serious diseases and pathologies with particular names: what are they?
What are serious diseases? Even if there is no official list, there is still a list of disabling or potentially disabling pathologies.
From Cushing's syndrome to Crohn's disease, passing through glaucoma, Hashimoto's thyroiditis and chronic active hepatitis: these are just some of the serious diseases known to date. These are disabling or potentially disabling pathologies, which often compromise the normal performance of normal daily activities.
What are serious illnesses?
Serious illnesses are those pathologies that cause disability , both temporary and permanent, equal to or greater than 67%. These are diseases for which total recovery is not expected and which, in most cases, are still poorly understood. Those who suffer from a problem of this type are entitled to free medical visits, to jobs related to their abilities (physical or mental) and to a disability pension. Here are the names of the nasty diseases:
- acromegaly and gigantism;
- affections of the circulatory system;
- acquired hemolytic anemia from autoimmunization;
- anorexia nervosa and bulimia;
- rheumatoid arthritis ;
- asthma ;
- liver and biliary cirrhosis;
- ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease ;
- dementias and diabetes insipidus;
- diabetes mellitus;
- dependence on narcotics, psychotropic substances and alcohol;
- active chronic hepatitis;
- epilepsy and cystic fibrosis;
- glaucoma;
- HIV infection;
- primary polygenic hypercholesterolaemia;
- heart failure;
- chronic adrenocortical insufficiency (Addison's disease);
- heterozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia types II a and II b;
- familial combined hypercholesterolaemia;
- type III hyperlipoproteinemia;
- chronic renal failure;
- hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism;
- congenital hypothyroidism and severe acquired hypothyroidism;
- systemic lupus erythematosus;
- chronic respiratory failure;
- Alzheimer's ;
- Sjogren's disease ;
- hypertension;
- Cushing's syndrome ;
- myasthenia gravis, Basedow's disease and other forms of hyperthyroidism;
- Buerger's disease;
- Paget's disease;
- parkinson and other extrapyramidal diseases;
- pituitary dwarfism;
- term immature preterm infants admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit;
- neuromyelitis optica ;
- chronic pancreatitis;
- psychosis;
- psoriasis (arthropathic, severe pustular, erythrodermic);
- progressive multiple and systemic sclerosis;
- malignant neoplastic pathologies and tumors of uncertain behavior;
- multiple pathologies that compromise multiple organs and/or systems and reduction of personal autonomy;
- ankylosing spondylitis;
- tuberculosis (active bacilliferous);
- Hashimoto's thyroiditis .
In addition to the pathologies mentioned above, considered serious and potentially disabling, there are others that have really strange names.
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Diseases with strange names: what are they?
There are truly strange disease names, which involve equally bizarre symptoms. Below is a list of some pathologies that are still being studied today:
- foreign accent syndrome (FAS): those who survive a heart attack or wake up from a coma start speaking with a different accent;
- wolf syndrome or hypertrichosis: hair growing from the cheeks to the forehead, passing through the hands;
- elephantiasis or lymphatic filariasis: painful enlargement of a limb, genitals or breast;
- Fregoli syndrome: people who know each other get confused with strangers, not only in their physical appearance but also in their personality;
- Cotard syndrome : people believe they are zombie-like creatures, walking around in a world that doesn't exist;
- argyria – the skin turns blue.
- persistent sexual arousal syndrome (PSAS): the sensation can last for hours, in women with orgasms every 30 seconds.
- Klippel-Trénaunay syndrome (KTS) or angio-osteohypertrophic syndrome: involves skin capillary malformations, varicose veins and enlargement of a limb or other parts of the body;
- progeria or Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome: premature aging, starting at about 2 years of age;
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