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Triplendemic children: what it is and why it is so risky

Child fever thermometer

What is meant by triplendemic and why is it so risky for children? Let's try to understand what it is and how to treat it.

In Italy there is a brand new health alarm that targets children in particular: the so-called Triplendemic. This term refers to a triple infection that includes Covid, influenza and respiratory syncytial virus . This problem is also caused by insufficient vaccination coverage for children and is slowly filling the pediatric wards of hospitals throughout Italy. So let's try to understand what the symptoms are, what the experts say and how to behave to safeguard the health of our children.

Triplendemic: emergency in Italy

Already in recent months we had begun to hear about the risk of a triple infection , due to Covid on the one hand and flu on the other. The situation for adults is currently still under control, but for younger patients, this triple-ndemic is causing serious problems, with record numbers of accesses to pediatric hospitals and outpatient clinics.

sick little girl fever bed temperature
sick little girl fever bed temperature

The likelihood of contracting this disease has increased due to the reopening of schools and kindergartens, where viruses travel more easily. Furthermore, at the root of this problem there is often an incomplete vaccination coverage , often chosen by the parents. For this reason, children would be particularly at risk of infection, with negative effects on the Italian pediatric health systems, which are currently under great stress .

As Giovanni Corsello , director of the Maternal and Infant Department of the Children's Hospital of Palermo explains, there is talk of an increase in respiratory infections recorded in recent months of more than 300% compared to the previous two years. 80% of beds are occupied by children with RSV bronchiolitis. This presents a significant challenge in handling riskier cases.

The risks for children

Together with the problem of hospital overcrowding, this triple infection has negative effects on the health of both children and adults. Although these respiratory disorders in newborns do not always have serious consequences, pediatricians are keen to point out that they can become dangerous in younger, frail and immunosuppressed children.

In the most serious cases, especially in pre-school children, even intensive care may become necessary. In addition to this, it is also important to remember that triplendemic also puts people in close contact with children at risk, including the elderly and people with frailties. For this reason, it is essential to do everything in our power to prevent any type of risk.

How to defend yourself from triplendemic?

In this situation the role that vaccines play is crucial and should not be overlooked by parents. The vaccine against the respiratory syncytial virus is not yet available at the moment, so the problem should be stemmed as much as possible at least with the vaccine against Covid and flu .

Child vaccine
Child vaccine

Furthermore, as Simona Zampagna , president of the Italian Society of Pediatric Emergency and Urgency Medicine explains, it is important not to neglect all the rules learned during the pandemic. It is therefore good to continue to maintain social distance, avoid closed and crowded places and continue to maintain good hand hygiene.

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