What is social anxiety and how to get rid of it
Social anxiety: what it is, what are the causes and symptoms and what we can do to deal with it and get rid of it permanently.
Nowadays, in a society characterized by a constant interconnection and by a growing attention towards the image, social anxiety emerges as a widespread problem affecting an increasing number of people. Many of us have experienced that feeling of intense agitation and dread when we are exposed to certain situations, such as speaking in public, meeting new people, or even just attending an informal meeting. This fear and the resulting anxiety can significantly impact our lives, limiting our opportunities for personal, professional, and relationship growth.
Social anxiety, also known as social phobia, is not simply extreme shyness or simple social awkwardness. It is a condition that goes far beyond the normal anxiety we all experience under certain circumstances. Those who suffer from it experience a constant sense of dread , worry and negative self-evaluation in social situations. The idea of ​​being judged, ridiculed, or rejected can be crippling, leading to devaluation and reduced self-confidence. But what can be done to overcome this problem? Let's try to find out together.
Social anxiety: what it is and the meaning
Social anxiety is an anxiety disorder that manifests itself in certain social situations or before performances in front of other people. Sufferers of social anxiety may experience shyness, fear of being judged or evaluated negatively by others, fear of public speaking or interacting with others in general.

This disorder can be disabling and interfere with a person's daily life, causing isolation and in some cases even work or school problems.
Causes and symptoms of social anxiety
What is social anxiety due to? Hard to tell. It is a psychological condition that can be caused by several factors. It is possible that a person has a sensory hypersensitivity , or a genetic predisposition to anxiety. Furthermore, it can be influenced by the environment in which a person lives, such as a difficult childhood or a negative family environment. Some studies suggest that chemical disorders in the brain may also contribute to the generation of social anxiety.
There are several symptoms that can tell us that we suffer from social anxiety. People who are afflicted by this problem can in fact appear extremely shy, they can fear the negative judgment of others, be afraid to speak in public or, more generally, to interact with other people. Other symptoms may include excessive sweating , trembling, rapid heartbeat, nausea, hot flushes, and extreme agitation before, during, and after social events.
How to overcome social anxiety?
Social anxiety can be a debilitating disorder and unfortunately there is no cure to get rid of it. However, there are several strategies that we can adopt to overcome this problem. First you need to talk to a professional . A therapist can help address the problem through cognitive behavioral therapy or other therapies that have been shown to be effective.
You can then practice mindfulness , which can help you manage anxious thoughts and live in the present moment. It is also important to 'challenge' your own thoughts. Often, people afflicted with this problem have negative thoughts about themselves and their social situation. Challenge these thoughts and try to replace them with more realistic and positive thoughts.
It helps to prepare in advance, especially if you have an important social event planned. And you also need to increase your social exposure gradually, starting to attend public places or social events, even if only for a short time. Gradually increasing exposure can help make someone with social anxiety disorder feel more comfortable.
If that's not enough, join a support group to share your experiences with others facing the same challenge, and then maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating right, getting enough sleep and exercising regularly.
In short, there are many strategies to overcome this type of problem. All that remains is to consult a doctor or a psychologist to find the right treatment for each individual patient.
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