The Migliaccio recipe with the Thermomix allows you to obtain a creamy and delicate dessert in just a few minutes, perfect for Carnival. Migliaccio is one...
Have you given yourself a bamboo steamer, but don't know where to start? Here's everything you need to know about steaming. In recent years, oriental cuisine...
A simple batter enriched with apples and with an intense lemon scent. Here's how to make chopped apple fritters. What would Carnival be without fried desserts?...
The Scammaro omelette is a dish of the poor tradition of Campania, and is nothing more than an eggless omelette made with pasta. Ready to prepare...
Artichoke meatballs: the recipe for preparing a delicious and tasty appetizer. Also try them as a side dish or main course. Today we offer you an...
With just 5 ingredients and without leavening it is possible to prepare an excellent red lentil bread, gluten-free and rich in proteins. The smell of homemade...
The beloved Xiao mai are Chinese prawn ravioli: here is the recipe for making them with the bamboo steamer! Steamed prawn dumplings, xiao mai or siu...
You can't go wrong with this typical Irpinian recipe. Pan-fried fusilli are a delicious first course, made with ragĂą, mozzarella and pasta. To make Sunday lunch...
Very simple to prepare, the sweet and sour sauce recipe is what will allow you to bring an authentic Chinese meal to the table. If you...
Tasty, simple and prepared with few ingredients, here is the onion omelette and some of its variations. There is a dinner saver capable of bringing together...
Steamed vegetable dumplings are a vegetarian variant of the classic recipe typical of Chinese cuisine. Here's how they prepare. Chinese vegetarian dumplings are a particular first...
Spring rolls are an unmissable Chinese appetizer. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe. Spring rolls are crunchy rolls that are served as an...
The yeast-free focaccia recipe is really simple and will allow all those intolerant to yeast not to give it up. Yeast intolerance is often an obstacle...
With only toasted hazelnuts it is possible to prepare a delicious and perfect dried fruit butter for breakfast. Hazelnut butter is one of the many nut...
Useful, versatile and almost indispensable for light cooking but do you know how to save money with the air fryer? While the traditional fryer is often...
Soft and fragrant, the orange and yogurt cake (also in the variant with Greek yogurt) is the perfect way to start the day. Breakfast cakes are...
Loved by all, steamed Chinese dumplings are simple to prepare at home. Let's see together how with the original meat recipe. It's impossible to resist the...
Baked potatoes are a very well-known dish, but difficult to get right. Here's how to make them perfectly! Today we are preparing one of the most...
Vegan stuffed artichokes: the ingredients and the recipe to prepare a tasty and tasty 100% vegetable side dish. Here are all the steps! Who said that...
Here is the step-by-step recipe for baked chiacchiere, a Carnival dessert offered in a lighter, less caloric and non-fried alternative. It's not Carnival without chatter: fragrant...