When you want to cook a very simple second course but with an original touch, why not focus on ginger chicken? Chicken with ginger is a...
Tender and tasty morsels perfect to serve as a second course or vegetarian appetizer. Here is the recipe for ricotta and spinach meatballs. If you are...
Original and mysterious, upside down risotto is perfect for surprising your guests with a simple but spectacular preparation. A new trend is going crazy on the...
Baked Treviso radicchio is a side dish rich in flavor and perfect to pair with any course. Here is the very simple recipe, to be proposed...
How to make perfect pizza dough? Recipe and advice for those who want to discover how to make super digestible pizza dough! The pizza dough is...
Lemon chicken rolls: a second course with a particular taste, very simple to prepare and perfect in every season. Lemon chicken rolls are a second course...
Sicilian stuffed artichokes are a quick recipe perfect for serving this vegetable in a different and truly tasty way. Sicilian-style stuffed artichokes are proof that to...
The secret of Alessandro Borghese's bucatini all'amatriciana was revealed to Kitchen Sound: what does the chef use to make them so special? He is a chef...
Here is the recipe for canned chickpea cream, a delicious cream perfect to bring to the table during family dinners and lunches. If you are looking...
Artichokes stuffed with Parmesan and mint are delicious and very easy to make, ideal to enjoy as a side dish on all occasions. Today we are...
Messina-style chops refer to meat rolls filled with bread, cheese and herbs. Here's how to prepare them with the original recipe. If you have never heard...
Here's how to prepare spinach meatballs cooked in an air fryer, a light and genuine but very tasty recipe. Spinach meatballs in the air fryer are...
Let's find out how the famous Japanese curry is prepared (including the Golden curry cube) and how it is served with rice. From India to Japan...
The pear and chocolate tart is a delicious dessert, perfect to bring to the table on any occasion. With this recipe you will delight your guests!...
It's a short step from the Netflix series of the moment to TikTok. Here's how to prepare the viral Squid game biscuits with the original recipe....
Simple and delicious, pan-fried chicken rolls are a perfect second course for the whole family. Here's how to prepare them with crunchy breading! Preparing different dishes...
Light apple pie is a light and delicious dessert, perfect if you love the classic apple dessert but want to enjoy it in a more digestible...
Here is the recipe for curry rice, a delicious side dish ideal for accompanying meat and vegetables, but above all very simple to make! Today we...
Spinach meatballs are a very good and simple vegetable-based second course to prepare: here's how to make them! Today let's see the recipe for spinach meatballs,...
With the pan-fried spinach recipe you will prepare a tasty and quick side dish, perfect to pair with any dish. Ready to prepare a simple but...