How to prepare tarte tatin in a pan, a delicious cake to cook directly in the pan and perfect to serve on the table. The pan-fried...
Putizza is a snail-shaped dessert typical of Trieste filled with a riot of dried fruit, spices and chocolate. When it comes to typical Easter desserts you...
Vegan baked pasta is a rich and delicious first course, ideal for a dinner with friends. Let's see together how to prepare it with the meat-free...
Here is Genoese pasta, the Neapolitan recipe for a first course rich in taste and aromas! Today we are talking about a marvel , one of...
The cloud egg served at the table is a real surprise: no difficult techniques, the great thing is that preparing it is very simple. Cloud egg:...
Mexican-style vegan tacos are tasty and easy to make, perfect for an aperitif with friends or a different dinner than usual. Do you want to unleash...
Let's find out how to prepare vegetarian lasagna, a fantastic alternative version to those with meat sauce. Today we are preparing a tasty and tasty first...
Ciaramicola is a soft Easter cake typical of the city of Perugia. Bright red in colour, it is covered in meringue and sprinkles. Which country you...
Rabbit in beer is a very simple recipe for serving a tasty and easy second course. Preparing rabbit in beer is very simple: it is a...
Let's open our gluten-free recipe book: chocolate salami is one of our best desserts! Seeing is believing. Among the gluten-free recipes, gluten-free chocolate salami is certainly...
If you are tired of the usual side dishes, here's how to prepare delicious artichokes pizzaiola style with tomato and mozzarella. Pizzaiola artichokes are a tasty...
For a refined and flavorful second course, bet everything on the baked leg of lamb: you won't regret it! In many Italian regions there is no...
Rabbit in the air fryer is a simple and quick idea for preparing a very tasty meat-based second course. Air cooking is a suitable method for...
Strawberry tart is a homemade dessert rich in flavor and colour, perfect if you want to serve a delicious and refreshing dessert at the same time....
Few ingredients and a few minutes of cooking separate you from the perfect recipe for lamb chops in the air fryer. Lamb chops are a refined...
Let's see together how to prepare the artichoke Easter cake: the variant of the typical Ligurian dish for Easter. The Pasqualina artichoke cake is a typical...
If you are looking for an alternative recipe for Easter without straying too far from tradition, here is the chocolate pastiera! For an even tastier Easter,...
Lamb meat skewers are a delicious and inviting dish, perfect to serve for lunch or dinner. Do you want a tasty, inviting and fun dish to...
We prepare a tasty torteno in the air fryer, a rustic Neapolitan traditional cake with a genuine filling. Air fryer torteno is a typical Neapolitan product....
Risotto with artichokes and sausage is a delicious and tasty first course, easy to prepare in less than 30 minutes. Preparing risotto with artichokes and sausage...